25Live Technical Support

For Staff

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with 25Live, please read the information below before contacting 25Live at  [email protected]  about your issue. 

Recommended Browsers

25Live works best and fastest in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. 

Clear your browser cookies and cache every other Wednesday. 25Live performance improvements are performed every other Tuesday at 8:00 pm. Clearing your browser will ensure you get the latest enhancements.

Clearing Your Cache and Cookies 

You must clear your cache and cookie to receive updates from 25Live. Please pick your browser from the list below for instructions.

25Live Event Form

Never choose I Don't Know. After clicking Finish, as your event request is being saved, you will be brought to a heading page. It is necessary to select University Events under the campus where your event is being held. Please do not keep your selection as "I Don't Know" - you must select a valid option or your event will not be seen and you will need to resubmit it.

Why does 25Live seem to be running so slowly?

Although many people think of it as "just another website", 25Live is a complex and full featured application that has the potential to be accessed by thousands of people at one time. Speeds can vary based on the speed of your network connection, available band and the number of users on the system and a number of other factors. Additionally, the data in 25Live changes almost constantly. Using the system involves searching thousands of location, resource, organization, contact and event records to deliver the most accurate information in real time. That being said, performance enhancements and adjustments are being made with every new release.

If you are still experiencing technical difficulties with 25Live, please contact 25Live at  [email protected]  about your issue.  



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