Email Alias

For Students, Faculty, Staff


An email alias is an alternative email address associated with your primary Fordham email account that you can use to send and receive messages. It is an email address within the domain you can create that is more personal or memorable than your original address.

Getting Started 

  1. Log in to > My Apps > Utilities > Email Alias Request.
  2. Review the Email Alias Request Form instructions.
  3. Click continue to Email Alias Request.
  4. Follow the rules for creating an email alias address (see the FAQs, below).
  5. Complete the form and submit your new email alias. 
  6. A notification will be sent to your primary Fordham email account when the email alias has been created; it may take up to 24 to 48 hours for the alias to be created

Additional Info 

  • Email aliases are created on a first-come, first-served basis. If your alias of choice is already taken, consider using a number to make it unique.
  • You can request one email alias only, so think carefully before submitting your selection. 
  • Your primary Fordham email address will remain valid. Use it to sign in to your email account, sync with a mobile device, and share files in Google Docs and other applications.
  • Your current Fordham username will continue to be the credential you use to log in to all University services and systems
  • Fordham University offers email in perpetuity for alumni; if you are a graduate of the University, your email alias will be valid for the life of your account.
    1. Only the elements of your name on record at Fordham may be used for your alias. Your name on record appears on the alias selection screen under the “Choose your alias” field. If you do not have a middle name on record, you will not be able to incorporate one in your alias.
    2. Your email alias may use all or part of your first/chosen, middle, or last name.
      1. For example, if your name is Philip Thomas Johnny, your alias might use one of the following configurations: 
      2. Other configurations are possible, as long as they adhere to the rules
    3. Additional text that is not part of your name is NOT allowed.
    4. You may include the following separators between elements of your alias: period (.),  underscore (_). No spaces are allowed. 
    5. You may use numbers to differentiate your alias (e.g., Philip.Johnyy2). Up to five numbers are allowed, and they do not need to be contiguous.
  • Google’s support documentation, “Sending emails from a different address or alias,” describes how to make your email alias the default address and how to change the “From” address.

  • See instructions on how to add your email alias.

    • Log into your Fordham email account (
    • Click the Setting icon in the upper right corner
    • Select Accounts tab. 
    • Click the “Edit info” link next to the email address. From here, change the display name or reply-to address associated with the address
    • Using the radio button under "When replying to a message," you can select whether replies you send to email from others always come from your preferred email address or come from the email address the sender originally used.
    • Your changes are saved as you make them; you do not have to click a save button.
  • The submit button appears only when all criteria for picking an alias have been met. If you do not see the submit button, please review your selection to ensure that it is within the guidelines.

  • No. Messages sent to your email alias address go to the same inbox that receives messages sent to your primary Fordham email address. Your alias email address is like a synonym for your official address. In other words, is an email alias for

    Your Fordham username remains unchanged. 

  • You may choose only one email alias, and it is a one-time selection. The only circumstances which will allow you to change your selected alias is for a qualified name change. A request for approval is required to change the email alias. 

    You will need to submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk requesting an alias change, along with the life change event that requires this change to your email alias. Include the new alias you prefer based on the alias rules in the ticket. If the alias you request is not available, an IT Service Desk representative will work with you to select a new alias.

    • If you are a student, contact the Office of the Registrar to inquire about how to change your record. 
    • For faculty and staff, contact Human Resources.

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