Union Negotiations at Fordham


This site provides ongoing updates and information about conversations with our union partners. We want to ensure that the community has access to factual, real-time information regarding negotiations.

Current & Recent Negotiations

In Spring 2024, Fordham University reached contract agreements with the Resident Assistant (RA) Union and the Fordham Graduate Student Worker (FGSW) Union. Both unions ratified the agreements, which were approved by the Fordham University Board of Trustees. 

The University appreciates the passion, care, and commitment that Local 153 and CWA demonstrated when representing our student workers. We also gained a deeper understanding of how best to support our students, and we look forward to collaborating with them in the coming academic year.

General Union FAQs

  • According to Union Plus, “A labor union or trade union is an organized group of workers who unite to make decisions about conditions affecting their work. Labor unions strive to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation.”

  • Unions at Fordham work to negotiate workplace terms and conditions and economic agreements.

  • Collective bargaining involves exchanging written proposals to reach a “collective bargaining agreement (CBA).” The CBA governs the parties’ relationship during the term of the agreement.

  • Fordham has worked with unions for decades. We appreciate the opportunity to learn from our community and to reach agreements that are economically fair and appropriate for the University community. Fordham respects and values our union employees and the role that unions play in representing them.

  • If you have a question that is not answered on this page or its subpages, please contact our team at [email protected].

Previous Negotiations

For previous negotiating session summaries, please see the respective RA Union and FGSW Union archive pages.

Graduate Student Worker Union Negotiations

Resident Assistant Union Negotiations