Performance Appraisals

The Performance Appraisal Process is a valuable tool for both employees and managers. It's a chance to reflect on achievements, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for future success.

This page provides resources to help you navigate the performance appraisal process:

  • Review Successes: Celebrate accomplishments and contributions to the team and company.
  • Discuss Growth Areas: Identify opportunities for development and create a plan to enhance your skills.
  • Set Collective and Individual Goals: Work with your manager to establish clear objectives that benefit both you and the organization.

Check out the resources below to get started!

Performance reviews become more meaningful when connected to the Fordham mission and strategic plan. This ensures individual goals are aligned and focused on the bigger picture, boosting employee motivation and overall success.

Fordham University Mission Statement

Characteristics of a Catholic and Jesuit University

Fordham University's Vision and Strategic Plan

Writing a Self Evaluation

Having a Performance Conversation with Your Supervisor

Resources for Supervisors on Writing an Appraisal

  • Mastering the Art of Writing Performance Appraisals Recorded Webinar - Passcode: KS9q16f$
    Tailored for employees seeking to master the art of self-assessment, this session provides practical guidance on creating compelling and impactful self evaluations. In this workshop, participants explore strategies for capturing accomplishments, demonstrating growth, and effectively communicating their contributions within a self-evaluation framework.

Resources for Supervisors on Delivering a Performance Conversation

If you have any questions about the Performance Appraisal process, please email [email protected].