Room Reservations
For Faculty & Staff: Reserving a Lab or Conference Room at the Walsh Library
Faculty and staff may reserve conference rooms and labs at the Walsh Library by using 25Live
For Students: Group Study Room Reservations at the Walsh & Quinn Libraries
The group study rooms at Walsh and Quinn Libraries are managed by the room reservation system Booked Scheduler.
- Students can create room reservation accounts through Booked Scheduler. All new accounts will be approved within two business days after registering. You must use your Fordham email address to create a room reservation account.
- Once approved, login to your room reservation account and reserve a group study room. When making a reservation, be sure to select either Walsh or Quinn at the top of the page to find rooms available in your home library.
- Please contact with questions regarding this system.
Please carefully read all of the policies below. When you reserve a group study room, you agree to abide by all policies. Any infractions may result in the loss of your reservation privilege.
For help finding your reserved room in Walsh Library, please see the Walsh Library Study Room Maps.
Room Reservation Policies
Who can reserve a group study room?
- Current Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible to reserve group study rooms.
- Law students, Faculty, Alumni, Guests, and Visitors from Fordham's reciprocal access partners are not eligible to reserve group study rooms. If you are a Law Student, please review the study rooms available at Maloney Library.
- If you are a faculty member and you would like to schedule a library information session, please use our Library Instruction request form.
What can group study rooms be used for?
Group study rooms are for group study and research only. They may not be used for commercial activity, distribution of materials, goods or services, office hours, club meetings, or for solicitation.
- You must abide by the Library's overall food and beverage policy and adhere to reasonable noise levels.
When and for how long can a study room be reserved?
Study rooms may be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours per 24-hour period.
- Study rooms may be reserved for a maximum of 4 hours per 7-day period.
- Study rooms are available for reservations only when the library is open and staffed during non-Study Zone hours. Please check the Library Homepage for up-to-date hours.
- During regularly scheduled hours, the Quinn Library Study Rooms are reservable Monday-Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm only. The Study Rooms will be open on a first come, first served basis Monday- Thursday 8:00pm - 12:00am.
- During regularly scheduled hours, the Walsh Library Study Rooms are available: Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- If your group decides not to use the room, please cancel your reservation.
How many students can use a study room at a time?
Students must reserve a study room that corresponds to their group size. Individual students should not use study rooms, unless a room is empty and not currently booked.
- At Walsh Library, all study rooms are designated for groups of 2-4 students.
- At Quinn Library, to reserve a small study room (337 or 338), you must be in a group of 2-4 people; to reserve a medium study room (340, 341, or 342) you must be in a group of 5-6 people; and to reserve the large smart room (339), students must be in a group of 7-10 people. Study carrels are available on the third floor of Quinn Library for students studying individually.
Can empty study rooms be used without a reservation?
Any unreserved rooms may be used by students on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, groups with reservations have priority.
- Please be considerate of other students’ reserved time slots.
Can group study rooms be booked for phone/video interviews?
If you require a space to conduct a phone or video interview, you must indicate this purpose when you reserve the study room. Individual students may otherwise be asked to leave a group study room. Please keep in mind that study rooms are not soundproof.
Please contact for assistance with room reservations. If you need help accessing a room you have reserved, visit the Circulation or Library Services Desk at your library.