Subpoena Policy and Service of Process
A subpoena duces tecum is an order under color of government or court authority directing the recipient to produce certain documents listed in the subpoena on a specific date, time, and place designated.
As the registered agent to receive service of process on behalf of Fordham University, the General Counsel is the designated Fordham official to accept service of process and a subpoena directed to Fordham University.
Any attempt on any campus, in person or by mail, to serve a lawsuit via a summons, complaint, or subpoena, should be directed to the Office of the General Counsel, Fordham University, Administration Building Room 111, 441 East Fordham Road, Bronx, New York 10458; 718-817-3111, 3110, or 3112.
If any Fordham University employee unknowingly or erroneously accepts service of legal documents, the employee should sign, date, and fax the document to 718-817-3115 and contact immediately the Office of Legal Counsel at the phone numbers listed above.