Intellectual Property and Information Law

Stock photo of servers

Intellectual property and information laws shape the way art, inventions, and information goods and services are protected and transferred.

They frame ways for attorneys to protect client interests in areas as varied as law enforcement, print journalism, pharmaceuticals, fashion design, video syndication, and the arts.

The Concentration offers you a solid substantive grounding in both IP and information law and provides flexibility for you to develop a set of courses that is tailored to your specific interests and career objectives.

Courses and Faculty

Foundational, core specialty, and elective specialty courses compose the intellectual property and information law Concentration. You are also encouraged to take an experiential course.

For full requirements, current students can log into LawNET.

For further information please contact Courtney Cox or the Office of the Registrar.

  • Antitrust Law
    Copyright Law
    First Amendment
    Information Law Survey
    Information Privacy Law
    Intellectual Property Law
    Patent Law
    Trademark Law

  • Electives
    Advanced Copyright Law
    Advanced Torts: Defamation
    Advertising Law
    Advanced Trademark Law
    Art and Cultural Heritage LawBiotech Patents & Regulations
    Biotechnology Patents in Food, Drug and Vaccine Regulations
    Blockchain and the Law
    Chinese Intellectual Property Law
    Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in the Digital Age
    Compliance in the Information Age
    Copyright, Trademark, and Emerging Technologies
    Cybersecurity Law and Policy
    E-Law in the Global Setting: Data Safeguards & Electronic Evidence Challenges
    Entertainment Law
    Entrepreneurship Law: IP Transactions
    European Union and International Intellectual Property Law
    Fashion Law
    Fashion Licensing
    First Amendment and the Evolution of Media
    Intellectual Property & Advanced Technology: Artificial Intelligence & Block Chain
    Intellectual Property Law and Design
    International and Comparative Patent Law
    Internet-Based Crimes
    Introduction to Intellectual Property: A Global Perspective
    Legal Issues in Gaming
    Mass Media Law
    Old Media, New Media and First Amendment
    Patents and the Pharmaceutical Industry
    Patent Practice Skills
    Samuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic Seminar
    Surveillance and Privacy in the Digital Age
    Technological Change and the Law

    Advanced Legal Research: Copyright and Trademark Law
    Copyright Litigation
    Entertainment Law Drafting
    Fashion Law Practicum
    IP Externship
    IP Drafting
    Media Law Drafting
    Patent Litigation
    Samuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic Casework
    Technology and Privacy Law Practicum
    Trademark Practicum

  • Antitrust and IP
    Intellectual Property Law
    Information Law Survey
    Patent Law
    Antitrust Law
    IP Externship

    Intellectual Property Law
    Information Law Survey
    Copyright Law
    Media Law Drafting
    Entertainment Law Drafting

    Copyright and Trademark Litigation
    Intellectual Property Law
    Copyright Law
    Trademark Law
    Samuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic Seminar
    Samuel Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic Casework

    Copyright and Trademark Transactions
    Intellectual Property Law
    Copyright Law
    Trademark Law
    Intellectual Property Drafting

    Fashion and IP
    Intellectual Property Law
    Copyright Law
    Trademark Law
    Fashion Law
    Fashion Law Practicum

    International IP
    Intellectual Property Law
    Copyright Law
    Patent Law
    Advanced Legal Research: Copyright and Trademark Law

    Privacy and Data Security
    Information Law Survey
    Informational Privacy
    Cybersecurity Law and Policy
    First Amendment
    Advanced Torts: Defamation
    Surveillance and Privacy in the Digital Age

    Intellectual Property Law
    Information Law Survey
    Biotechnology Patents in Food, Drug and Vaccine Regulations
    Patent Law
    International and Comparative Patent Law
    Patent Practice Skills

Networking Opportunities

Tap into Fordham Law’s alumni network of experienced attorneys working in the field by joining an affinity group. Student participation is always free.

Attend a Career Development Program to explore career options and learn to showcase your best professional self.

Attend Fordham Law events sponsored by centers and institutes and offered through CLE and Public Programs.