LL.M. Areas and Specializations
Fordham Law’s nine LL.M. degree programs offer the opportunity to specialize in evolving fields as the law, economy, technology, and times demand.
Receive your LL.M. degree in any of these specializations:

U.S. Law (In-person & Online)
The LL.M. offers students the flexibility to develop a curriculum in U.S. law topics that suits their particular needs and interests. This degree is designed for students who have received their primary legal education outside of the U.S. and want to gain a general understanding of U.S. law or focus on a specialization not already offered.
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Corporate Compliance (In-person & Online)
Our LL.M. program in Corporate Compliance introduces students to a rapidly emerging and increasingly global field that is central to financial services and businesses across all sectors.
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Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law
The LL.M. program in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law combines the classic study of intellectual property rights with the rapidly evolving field of information technology law.
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International Business and Trade Law
The LL.M. program in International Business and Trade Law prepares students to meet the challenges of an increasingly global economy by giving them the knowledge and training needed to handle complex transactions that define the current legal and business environment.
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Fashion Law
LL.M. students in the Fashion Law program study with distinguished faculty members that include both academics and industry insiders in New York City, a capital of the world’s fashion industry.
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Banking, Corporate, and Finance Law
Students in the LL.M. program in Banking, Corporate, and Finance Law acquire a sophisticated appreciation of corporate structure, an understanding of the laws relating to capital markets and financial institutions, and genuine insights into the goals and strategies of U.S. executives and business lawyers.
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International Dispute Resolution
Fordham’s LL.M. program in International Dispute Resolution focuses on how international disputes are resolved, including traditional litigation as well as alternative methods of dispute resolution.
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International Law and Justice
The LL.M. program in International Law and Justice offers students the opportunity to gain an advanced understanding of human rights protection and promotion on international, regional, and domestic levels.
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Real Estate Law
The Real Estate LL.M. program provides students with a deep foundation in real estate law and practice, including subjects such as real estate transactions, real estate finance, condos and coops, residential and commercial leasing, and land use, as well as the opportunity to explore important related areas such as environmental law, corporate law, commercial law, and tax.
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