Advisory Councils
Since its inception in 2005, the dedicated group of leading alumni and friends who make up the Dean's Planning Council has worked closely with the Dean to provide invaluable assistance in strategic planning and financial support. The Council is instrumental in promoting new initiatives and provides invaluable guidance and support throughout the year.
Eric F. Grossman '93Members
Sally J. Bellet '76
Robert D. Bickford '74
Brad J. Butwin ’85
Gordon R. Caplan, '91
Vincent R. Cappucci '84
Jessica S. Carey '03
Pierre A. L. Charpie '95
Honorable Denny Chin '78
Joseph A. Coco ’81
John R. Costantino '70
Denis F. Cronin '72
Stephen M. Cugliari '19
Matthew J. Cushing '95
Deneen Donnley '92
David Dubner '02
Louise R. Firestone '85
Paul N. Frimmer '69
Andrew G. Gordon '94
William M. Harnett '79
Carlos A. Hawker Costa '08
Thomas E. Hommel '78
David A. Javdan '93
John (Jack) A. Kelly '21
Samrat S. Khichi '98
Susheel Kirpalani '94
William Lanier '23
James Leitner '82
Thomas J. Maloney '79
Thomas F. Mann '79
John K. Mara '79
Sara Maroun '13
Richard B. Marrin, Jr. '96
David J. McCabe '83
Brian J. McCarthy '78
Sharon McCarthy LAW '89
John O. McManus '87
Jeannemarie O'Brien '94
Paul J. Ostling '73
Stacey J. Rappaport '96
Rich Ross '86
C. David Sammons '88
Paul A. Soden '68
Edward M. Stroz, Gabelli '79
David M. Tanen '96
Paul P. Tanico '80
Jonathan D. Thieir '83
Mark H. Tuohey III '73
Andrew Valentine III '93
Basil K. Vasiliou '79
Conrad P. Volstad '82
Mark A. Walsh '84
Adam K. Weinstein '94
Gary S. Wigmore '82
BoHee Yoon '09The Entrepreneurial Law Advisory Council was created in 2016 in order to provide students with a structured program that delivers practical problem-solving opportunities to serve the strategic and legal needs of start-up enterprises, yielding graduates with both marketable skills and a strong affinity for Fordham’s Jesuit tradition of service and ethics.
East Coast Chair
Karl P. Kilb ’95Members
Jared I. Arcari '19
Ilan (Lenny) Ben Avraham ’16
Sahar Hakakian ’08
Timothy Heine ’80
Seth Helfgott ’09
Andy Hinton ’89
Chieh Huang ’08
Matt Kaufman ’05
Mario Kranjac ’90
William Malpica ’00
James Maroulis ’94
Brandon McKenzie ’14
Christopher Mitchell ’00
Theresa K. Mohan '90
Robert Nolan, Jr. ’77
Philip Philliou ’93
Donna Redel ’95
Robert Sanchez ’14
David Tanen ’96
Charles Wolofsky ’14The Fordham Law Public Interest Advisory Council is a group of Law School alumni and local public interest leaders who provide advice on how best to prepare students for legal practice in public interest and public service positions, including legal knowledge, professional skills, and the ethos of service. The council will also provide feedback on the effectiveness of the School’s programs and serve as a source of ideas for better linking students to public service and public interest careers.
Council Members
Angela Albertus '91
Jojo Annobil '90
Afua Atta-Mensah '04
Daniel Brown '98
Miriam Buhl '92
Hon. Danny Chun '87
Rhonda Cunningham Holmes '97
Michelle DePass '92
Leda Dunn Wettre '93
Patrick Foye '81
Aya Fujimura-Fanselow '04
Michael Goldberger '87
Sandra Grannum
Lynn Kelly
Hon. Sherry Klein Heitler '76
Kim Koopersmith '84
Amy Loprest '95
Tina Luongo
Linda Manley '91
Peggy Mastroianni '74
Molly Murphy '01
Hon. Joanne Quinones '97
Raun Rasmussen
Gregory SanGermano '02
Eric Schaaf '79
Anamaria Segura '07
Jay Sullivan '89
I. India Thusi '07
Betsy Tsai '01
Susan Welber '98Composed of alumni in leadership roles at small to midsize firms, this Council offers expertise and guidance as Fordham Law pursues efforts to prepare students to excel in small-to-midsize firm settings. The Council was formed as part of Fordham Law’s ongoing initiative to offer more career-centered resources to its graduating students.
The Council is a collaborative effort of the Dean’s Office, Alumni Relations Office, and Career Planning Center.
William F. Dahill ’91
Cia Froelich Moss ’96
Menachem M. Bensinger ’06
Elizabeth R. Crotty ’00
Laurie Berke-Weiss ’83
William R. Crowe ’84
Gregory G. Calabro ’87
Thomas J. Curran ’89
Meghan J. Carey ’07
Nicholas J. Chivily ’85
Jodi A. Erlandsen ’05
Timothy E. Corriston ’86
Veronica Escobar ’03
Ilene Farkas ’93
Sean F. Kane ’98
William B. Fleming ’91
Yolanda Kanes ’84
Daniel F. X. Geoghan ’99
Andrew I. Mandelbaum ’04
Edward W. Greason ’91
Sharon L. McCarthy ’89
Edward J. Guardaro ’85
Luke McGrath ’96
Michael J. Hurley ’97
Eric S. Medina ’04
Stephen J. Jones ’93
Daniel W. Morrison ’84
E. Scott Morvillo ’97
Michael K. Stanton Jr. ’86
Ariana Tadler ’92
Charles W. Pieterse ’86
Michael E. Twomey ’74
James P. Sauter ’87
Charles R. Virginia ’89
William M. Savino ’74
Dennis M. Wade ’78
John M. Shields ’93
Tracey Spencer Walsh ’94