Privacy Rights & Wrongs
Balancing Moral Priorities for the 21st Century
This multidisciplinary conference was co-sponsored by the Center for Ethics Education and Center on Law and Information Policy. The conference explored a number of issues related to the topic of privacy and privacy rights, especially in light of recent technological developments and current concerns about terror. In addition, this conference addressed the problem of defining and defending “privacy rights” within the context of varying legal, moral, and political discourses as well as the importance of understanding the value of privacy against the backdrop of other values and concerns, such as the doing of justice, the preserving of the common good, and the maintenance and fostering of personal accountability.
- Barbara Hilkert Andolsen, Professor of Theology & Buckman Chair of Applied Ethics, Fordham University
- Bruce Schneier, Author and privacy expert
- Daniel Solove, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
- Anita L. Allen, Henry R. Silverman Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Jennifer Granick, Civil Liberties Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Amitai Etzioni
Professor of International Affairs
Director, Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies
George Washington University- Helen Nissenbaum, Professor, Department of Media, Culture & Communication, New York University
- Joel R. Reidenberg, Assoc. Vice President for Academic Affairs & Assoc. Chief Academic Officer, Professor of Law & Founding Director of the Center on Law & Information Policy, Fordham University
- Valerie Steeves, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa