Religiously Affiliated Law Schools Conference

Forming Lawyer-Stewards: The Special Role of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools

Join us in exploring the essential concept of stewardship, its relevance to the legal profession, and the pivotal role lawyers can play as stewards for our communities and the planet. Our conference adopts a dynamic, dialogue-based approach, convening attendees in small, diverse working groups.

These sessions are designed to foster discussions on the intersection of stewardship with critical areas, including environmental protection, criminal justice, and immigration policy. We invite students, scholars, law school administrators, and practitioners to examine the notion of lawyer-stewards in today's society.

Keynote Speaker

Tania Tetlow President Fordham University

Tania Tetlow
President, Fordham University

Stewardship Panel

Stewardship Panel

Robert Cochran, Jr.
Pepperdine Caruso
School of Law


RALS Conference Panelist

Diane Kemker
Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Loyola Law School Los Angeles

IRLLW RALS Conference Panel

Amelia Uelman
University Law Center

IRLLW Stewardship Panel

Mohammad Fadel
University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Speaker Bios

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Program at a Glance

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