Scholarly and Professional Stein Programs

The Stein Center for Law and Ethics promotes critical thinking and analysis of legal ethics and the legal profession by hosting and sponsoring colloquia, conferences and CLE programs, encouraging the open exchange of ideas among academics and practitioners and supporting scholarship.

  • The Stein Center hosts an annual colloquium in collaboration with the Fordham Law Review on a theme relating to the legal profession.

    The 2021 colloquium on Subversive Lawyering will be hosted by Fordham Law School on Friday, October 15, 2021. This colloquium will examine the idea that lawyers, in the context of representing clients, may seek to reform, disrupt or subvert aspects of the legal system that they personally regard as unjust. Invited scholars will address this theme from varied perspectives, including: What does it mean in a particular law practice setting to be subversive and how can subversion be justified? Can the pursuit of broader political goals be reconciled with ethical duties to one’s client and as an officer of the court? How does subversive lawyering differ from, and measure up against, other kinds of movement lawyering or against other ways of seeking social change through the law or through the political process? Even if a lawyer is not fully “subversive” (under whatever definition one adopts), are there useful lessons to be drawn from the concept?  Participants’ essays on Subversive Lawyering will be published in a spring 2022 issue of the Fordham Law Review.

    The scholarship from recent colloquia on the judicial role in the regulation of the legal profession (2020), corporate lawyers (2019), government lawyers (2018), and access to justice (2017) can be downloaded from the following links:

    Judicial Role in Professional Regulation (October 2020) 

    Corporate Lawyers (October 2019) published March 2020

    Lawyers in Government Service (October 2018)

    Access to Justice and the Legal Profession in an Era of Contracting Civil Liability (October 2017)

  • The Stein Center annually co-sponsors and organizes the Criminal Justice Ethics Schmooze, a forum for junior and experienced faculty members to receive feedback on ideas and papers pertaining to the work of prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers.

    Specifically, the Schmooze provides a small number of scholars of various levels of experience who write in the area of criminal procedure and legal ethics a chance to consider and discuss emerging topics and ongoing scholarship on criminal procedure and professional conduct relating to prosecutors, defense lawyers and the institutions in which they work. In addition to collegial interchange, the Schmooze promotes future scholarship and provides some ideas about where such scholarship might take us.

    Participation in the Criminal Justice Ethics Schmooze, which takes place in June at a NY-area law school, is by invitation only.  

    If you have questions about the Criminal Justice Ethics Schmooze, please email

  • The Stein Center co-sponsors a bi-annual Legal Justice Ethics Schmooze, a forum for junior and experienced faculty members to receive feedback on ideas and papers pertaining to ethics and the legal profession.

  • The Stein Center organizes and hosts academic, professional and CLE programs and events on ethics and regulation of the legal profession.

    Noteworthy prior conferences include:

    International Legal Ethics Conference

    The Stein Center for Law and Ethics was honored to host the 2016 International Legal Ethics Conference VII, The Ethics and Regulation of Lawyers Worldwide: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives.  In convening more than 400 participants from 60 countries worldwide at Fordham Law School to discuss and study ethics in the practice of law, the Center fulfilled a vision of its founder, Louis Stein ’26.

    Email the if you would like more information about speakers or paper/program topics.

    Regulation of Legal and Judicial Services Conference

    The December 2017 Regulation of Legal and Judicial Services: Comparative and International Perspectives Conference built on ILEC VII (July 2016 in New York City) and laid the groundwork for ILEC VIII (December 2018 in Australia).  Papers produced in conjunction with the conference are published in the Fordham International Law Journal, Volume 42, Issue 2.