The 2025 Recruiting Program

This interview program facilitates employer interviewing of JD students for summer and entry-level attorney positions. It consists of six segments:

  • a Resume Collect in April
  • a Resume Collect in June;
  • a Virtual Interview Program ("Summer VIP") in late July;
  • a Resume Collect in August;
  • a Virtual Interview Program ("Fall VIP") in September and October; and
  • a Resume Collects in September.

There is no registration fee, nor any per-schedule fees, to participate in the 2025 Recruiting Program.

For each of these segments, registering employers will indicate which class year(s) they wish to interview and which application materials they wish each applicant to submit.

  • We offer a Resume Collect in April that will get application materials into employers' hands on April 23, 2025. 

    Note: As of April 23, 2025, students will not have taken their spring exams and therefore will not have spring grades.

  • We offer a Resume Collect in June that will get application materials into employers' hands on June 13, 2025.

    Note: As of June 13, 2025, students will have their spring semester grades and their Approximate Class Standings for the 2024-25 academic year.

  • Interviews through our Summer Virtual Interview Program will take place July 29-31. A returning employer's Summer VIP interview date is determined by our Date Rotation System: the employer's interview dates will advance one day in our three-day program in successive years. For example, employers who interviewed on Day 1 in EIW 2024 will interview on Day 2 in 2025's Summer VIP, then Day 2 of Summer VIP in 2026, etc.

    Employers registering for Summer VIP for the very first time, or returning after an absence, should provide us with their first, second and third choices of interview dates. 

    Note: Employers interested in participating in EIW should review the information below about Fordham's 60/40 system, which is used to determine which students will be placed on the interview schedule.

  • There are six weeks of virtual interviews in the Fall Virtual Interview Program ("Fall VIP"), running from September 3 through October 10. Employers should choose the week they are interested in at the time they register and indicate three date choices during the chosen week in the Notes section of their schedule request. Our best efforts will be made to assign employers one of these three dates.

    Note: Employers interested in participating in Fall VIP should review the information below about Fordham's 60/40 system, which is used to determine which students will be placed on the interview schedule.

  • During the fall semester, in addition to the Fall VIP virtual interviews, we have two Resume Collect Program: one on August 15 and one on September 19. (Those are the dates that participating employers will receive application materials.) Employers receive application materials from interested students and invite selected students to their offices for an interview. 

Fordham's 60/40 System

For Summer VIP and Fall VIP, employers receive resumes of interested students and are able to select 60% of their interview schedule. The remaining 40% of the interview schedule is determined by the Student Preference System (SPS). The SPS allows students to rank employers and gives preference in interview slots to those students who most highly ranked a particular employer.

For example, an employer that registers for two schedules of 20 minute interviews will see a total of 46 students. After reviewing the application materials of interested students, the employer would designate 28 students -- 60% of the total number of students to be interviewed -- as their "preselects," who would automatically be assigned interviews.  There would then be 18 interview slots remaining -- 40% of the total number of students to be interviewed -- and those 18 interview slots would be filled by the SPS. Students who ranked that employer as #1 on their bid lists would be chosen first by the SPS and assigned to interview slots, followed by students who ranked the employer as #2, and so on, until the available interview slots are filled.

2025 Employer Registration

Registration for the 2025 Recruiting Program opens on March 3, 2025.

Register online through Symplicity. Log in, select the OCI Tab, then the Schedule Request Tab, and select Request Schedule. From the Sessions drop-down menu select the desired week of fall weeks, or the desired Resume Collect, and complete the requested information.

If you need a Symplicity username and password, please email You may also register for a Symplicity account