Student Outreach Opportunities
There are multiple mechanisms for employers to reach out to Fordham Law students to raise awareness of their organizations and the opportunities they offer for law students: receptions, distribution of marketing materials, partnerships with Fordham Law organizations, sponsorships, donations, and volunteering. Details are provided below.
Outreach Types
CPC-Hosted Employer Receptions
The CPC organizes a pair of CPC-Hosted Employer Receptions in late January to allow first-year students to acquaint themselves with the employers that participate in Summer/Fall OCI. The two receptions enable us to accommodate 60+ employers, and the receptions are typically attended by 200+ first year students. There is no fee for employers who participate in one of these receptions.
Learn more about the CPC-Hosted Employer Receptions.
Employers interested in hosting their own individual reception for students should work with the CPC to select a date and to publicize the reception to students.
Learn more about Individually-Hosted Off-Campus Employer Receptions
Our Office of Student Affairs ("OSA") provides food to our students when they take their final exams. OSA will provide continental breakfast before morning exams, light lunch snacks before afternoon exams, and even an evening snack before evening exams. We are pleased to offer employers the opportunity to sponsor one of those Final Exam meals.
Sponsoring employers are encouraged to send an organization poster so that students are aware that the firm is sponsoring that meal, marketing materials for students to take away, and/or a small assortment of giveaways, such as stress balls, highlighters, Post-It notes, etc., to be made available to students at the food location.The Law School's Office of Professionalism organizes a number of wellness-related events each semester that include an opportunity for employer sponsorships.
Learn more about upcoming Wellness Related Activities and how to sponsor them.
Fordham Law School has a tradition of active involvement in student organizations. Close to two-thirds of our student body has two or more years of work experience resulting in strong leadership and activity level within these student organizations.
One of the best ways for an employer to get involved at Fordham Law School is to contact one or more of our student organizations directly. Employers can offer to co-sponsor panels of interest and other activities directly with these organizations. We welcome employers to contact student organizations directly. A list of all student organizations can be found on the Student Groups page; each listed organization is linked to a page describing the organization and its contact information.
Working directly with a student organization allows employers to craft events or panels of special interest to particular segments of the student body.
Fordham Law School has a vibrant academic community with more than 20 Centers and Institutes focused on specified legal areas. While their primary focus is academic in nature, these Centers & Institutes often host student panels, invite speakers and/or host events that provide sponsorship opportunities for external organizations. We encourage you to explore the various Centers & Institutes at Fordham Law School and welcome you to contact them directly to see if there may be partnership and/or engagement opportunities for your organization.
There are many opportunities for employers to support students and student organizations by volunteering their time or by donating funds. Two vehicles for this support are:
- donating to the Fordham Summer Fellowship Fund, and
- assisting Fordham's student competition teams.
The CPC receives frequent inquiries from employers interested in distributing marketing materials to our students, whether they be recruiting brochures or invitations to off-campus employer events.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for the CPC to disseminate marketing materials on behalf of an employer, whether in hard copy or electronic form. Nevertheless, it is possible for employers to get these materials into the hands of students by a number of methods.
Learn more about how to get your materials into students' hands.