Individually-Hosted Off-Campus Employer Receptions

Historically, many employers have hosted their receptions/events for first-year students, either at area restaurants, in their offices, or virtually.  The CPC recommends employers first participate in one of the  CPC Hosted Employer Receptions as a means of generally introducing their organizations to our student body before hosting their own individual reception off-campus.

To facilitate the scheduling of employer events for students, to minimize conflicts between different employers' events, and to maximize student attendance at these events:

  1. We have provided a list of dates and times which should be avoided when planning an off-campus event (including school holidays during which students may be out of town).
  2. We have also listed the Law School's "open window periods": times during the week when classes are not scheduled. Scheduling an event during an open window period minimizes -- but does not entirely eliminate -- conflicts that could make it impossible for some students to attend an event.  We say "minimizes" because, given the limited number of open window periods per week, Law School departments and student groups often schedule their own programming and events during the open window periods. Therefore, there may be activities other than classes competing for student attendance, even during open window periods.
  3. We have provided information on how to market your event to students.
  4. We ask that, if you are planning an off-campus event, you consult with us before finalizing the date. That way, we can let you know if we are aware of any other conflicting activities on the dates/times you are considering -- including any conflicting events hosted by other employers.

Dates to be Avoided

The following dates and times should be avoided when scheduling your event as students are unlikely to be available to attend during these periods:

Date/Time Activity
12/22/24 - 1/2/25 Winter Break
1/13/25 Mandatory 1L Orientation
1/14/25 Mandatory 1L Orientation
1/20/25 MLK Day
1/22/25 & 1/23/25 FLS Career Programming for 1Ls
1/28/25  12:15 PM - 2:00 PM CPC-Hosted Employer Reception #1
1/30/25  12:15 PM - 2:00 PM CPC-Hosted Employer Reception #2
2/4/25  12:15 PM - 2:00 PM Employer Reception Snow Date
2/7/25 NYU PILC Fair
2/12/24 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM FLS Judicial Clerkship Programming for 1Ls
2/13/25  5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CPC Small/Midsize Firm Reception
2/17/25 Presidents' Day
3/11/25 CPC Mock Interview Night #1
3/17/25 - 3/21/25 Spring Recess
4/17/25 - 4/18/25 Easter Break
5/5/25 - 5/16/25 Final Exams
TBD Unified Writing Competition
5/26/25 Memorial Day
6/19/25 Juneteenth

Open Window Periods

No classes are scheduled during these time periods:

Monday:  12:30PM-1:50PM

Tuesday:  12:30PM-1:50PM

Wednesday:  4:00PM-5:50PM

Thursday:  12:30PM-1:50PM

Friday:  1:00PM-2:50PM

Marketing Your Off-Campus Event to Students

There are three methods available for marketing your event to students: 

  1. Invite students via email by requesting a copy of our opt-in mailing lists. There is a separate opt-in mailing list available for each class. If you want one or more of those lists, email Mitchell Weitz, Senior Manager, Employer Relations & Legal Recruiting,
  2. Post your Program/Reception under the Events Tab in Symplicity.  Students are accustomed to using Symplicity as a resource for all aspects of their job-search needs, including employer events. 
    • Posting in Symplicity will make the event details visible to all students in the invited JD class(es). Therefore, it reaches students who are not on the opt-in mailing lists.
    • We recommend that you post your event in Symplicity as soon as the details and logistics are finalized, so that it receives the greatest possible attention from the students.  
    • When you post the event in Symplicity, make sure to provide the students with a method to RSVP directly to your organization; that is the best way to ensure that you are up to date on both RSVPs and any potential cancellations. 
    • Please contact the CPC if you have any questions about how to post your event in Symplicity
  3. Provide us with a PDF flyer/invitation that we can post on our bulletin board.

Ideally, employers will take advantage of all three methods.