Fundamental Lawyering Skills Simulations
The simulations in Fundamental Lawyering Skills are unlike those offered by most law schools. The individuals playing the roles of the clients are real working actors using highly developed scripts.
Fundamental Lawyering Skills simulations are professional, sophisticated, and true-to-life.
In Fundamental Lawyering Skills, you will have the opportunity to:
- Participate in recorded simulations during the semester based on unique and challenging fact patterns
- Perform a variety of lawyering skills in several different legal settings
- Analyze your own performance and the performances of your classmates
Be it an initial interview, a counseling session, or a negotiation on behalf of a client, the goal is always to provide common-sense solutions that align the client's interests with the applicable law.
Fundamental Lawyering Skills allows the student to practice the most basic and important aspect of the profession of lawyering - working with and on behalf of the client.
Michael Kitson '12
Each semester, you will participate in five recorded simulations:
You will work in pairs to conduct an initial client meeting on one of two different cases, the primary focus of which is to gather information. Two cases are presented for this simulation - one a civil rights matter and one a divorce.
Working again in pairs, you will meet with the same client from Simulation I to counsel him or her on the relevant legal issues, to address any questions the client might have, and to discuss possible next steps.
You will meet individually with a new client on a landlord/tenant matter both to gather information and to counsel the client.
You will work individually or in pairs to negotiate an employment contract.
Working in pairs, you will conduct a negotiation on a landlord/tenant matter, representing the same client from Simulation III.