Matt Gold

Fordham Adjunct Faculty Matt Gold

Adjunct Professor of Law

Practice Experience

Matt Gold is an Adjunct Professor of Law teaching International Trade Law.

Professor Gold is principally a consultant advising investment banks and funds on ongoing U.S. trade negotiations with foreign countries, on current and pending U.S. trade agreements, legislation, investigations, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers, and on U.S. trade policy, politics and diplomacy. Professor Gold also provides strategic advice to U.S. investors and businesses in connection with the United States’ rights under international trade agreements to have access to foreign markets for U.S. goods and services, to protect U.S. investments in foreign countries, and to protect U.S. markets from unfair trade practices by foreign actors.

Professor Gold has been consulted by the White House, National Security Council staff, State Department, and members of Congress on issues at the intersection of trade and national security, and he advised President Obama’s reelection campaign and Secretary Clinton’s presidential campaign on trade policy.

Professor Gold previously held an appointment within the Executive Office of the President as the Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for North America, in which he was the United States’ lead negotiator and policy advisor focused on North American trade. In that capacity, he was a trade advisor to the President for the North American Leaders Summit, and among the trade advisors supporting the President for G8, G20, APEC, and Americas summits. Also in that position, he was a participant in the talks that brought Canada and Mexico into the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, a principal negotiator at the NAFTA Free Trade Commission meetings, and the Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the U.S.-Canada Softwood Lumber talks.

Professor Gold began his legal career with a federal judicial clerkship in Chicago in 1985-86. He then practiced international trade and customs law in New York for more than fifteen years representing U.S. clients in every sector engaged in trade with every part of the world. Also during that period, he served as the Chairman of the U.S.-Middle East Trade Subcommittee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

In 2001-02, Professor Gold served as the Chairman of a United States-Canada Binational Panel convened under NAFTA to stand in place of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and rule on a Canadian appeal of a U.S. International Trade Commission determination that had maintained U.S. anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on certain Canadian goods.

In 2001-03, Professor Gold served as the first Chairman of the Cargo Security Subcommittee of the American Association of Exporters and Importers, working with the U.S. cargo security rules developed for the post-9/11 environment. During 2003-10, Professor Gold served three civilian tours in Iraq working in the trade capacity component of democracy building. In this work, he advised Iraq’s Prime Minister, Trade Minister, Transportation Minister, Director General for International Trade, Director General for Customs, and other senior officials. He also advised the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Presidential Envoy to Iraq, and other senior U.S. and coalition officials and military commanders.

During his first tour, as a senior U.S. Defense Department official, he led the successful effort to gain Iraq Observer status at the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition, Professor Gold worked on problems importing food through the seaports and assessed armament factories for conversion to peacetime output. During his second tour, also with the Defense Department, he was a principal negotiator for Iraq of its $6 billion procurement of aircraft and other items to rebuild the national airline. He also supported Iraq’s procurement of services to rehabilitate its seaports, cement industry, and other infrastructure and industry. During his third tour, with the State Department, Professor Gold supported Iraq’s accession process for WTO membership, and trained Iraqi Customs managers on the application of WTO- and WCO-compliant customs laws. He was awarded a citation for distinguished service by the Presidential Envoy to Iraq.

Professor Gold is a frequent commentator on trade policy and negotiations for CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox, BBC, NPR, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, and many other news services.


Adjunct Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law


LLM, Fordham University School of Law
JD, New England School of Law
BA, Binghamton University

Mailing Address

Fordham University School of Law
150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-174
New York, NY 10023