Rosalyn Richter

Adjunct Professor of Law
Rosalyn Richter has her own mediation and litigation practice, and has taught as an adjunct professor at Columbia Law School, New York Law School and Brooklyn Law School. She has an active pro bono caseload including serving as counsel on cases for clients of Sanctuary for Families. For thirty years she was a judge in the NYS court system, and her last appointment was as an Associate Justice in the Appellate Division First Department. During her judicial service, she presided over trials of both civil and criminal cases and issued many precedent setting published opinions. She also was a senior counsel at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer from October 2020 to November 2023.
Prior to becoming a judge, Ms. Richter was Executive Director and a staff attorney at Lambda Legal Defense Fund, an appellate prosecutor and an administrative law judge. She has served and continues to serve on committees in the NYS Court System including the NYS Courts Advisory Committee on Access for People with Disabilities, a committee she chaired for decades. She is a member of the judicial screening committee for the NY Court of Claims.
Her work and achievements have been recognized by many bar associations including the International Association of LGBTQ Judges, the National LGBTQ Bar Association, the NY Law Journal (lifetime achievement award), the NYC Bar Association, the NYS Bar Association, the New York County Lawyers Association, the NY Women’s Bar Association and the Jewish Lawyers Guild. She is a recognized expert on family law, diversity issues, and other aspects of New York law.
Barnard College, B.A.
Brooklyn Law School, J.D.