Sylvia Fung Chin

Adjunct Professor of Law
- Drafting and Negotiating Contracts, Fordham University School of Law, 2013
- Secured Transactions. Fordham University School of Law, 2013
- First-Year Legal Writing, Fordham University School of Law, 1979-81.
- Inaugurated New Associates Orientation Program at White & Case.
- Presentations on Secured Transactions, Legal Opinions, and Project Finance
- Partner, White & Case, 1986 - present
- Associate, White & Case, 1979 - 1986
- Law Clerk, Hon. Lawrence W. Pierce, U.S. Court, SDNY
- Fordham University School of Law, JD, cum laude, 1977
- Associate Editor, Fordham Law Review
- New York University, BA, cum laude, 1971
- Author of chapter on Lease Syndication in Equipment Leasing, Matthew Bender & Co. (2011)
- Co-author of "Representing Buyers and Sellers in the Sale of Goods" in Negotiating Business Transactions, John Wiley & Sons (1988)
- Co-author of chapter on Third Party Beneficiaries in Negotiating and Drafting Contract Boilerplate, ALM Publishing, May 2003
- New York State Bar
- US District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York
- US Supreme Court
- ABA Business Law Section Council
- ABA Business Law Section Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- ABA Legal Opinions Committee
- ABA Project Finance and Development Committee
- ABA Women's Business Law Network Subcommittee
- American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers
- American College of Investment Counsel
- American Law Institute
- Asian American Bar Association of New York
- Asian American Law Fund of New York
- Fordham Law Alumni Association
- NAPABA Law Foundation
- NY Bar Foundation, First Judicial District
- Tribar Opinion Committee
Mailing Address
Fordham University School of LawLegal Writing Program
150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-175
New York, NY 10023