Helen Bender

Associate Professor of Law
Office: Room 8-129
Hours: By Appointment Only
Faculty Assistant: Larry Bridgett, lbridgett@law.fordham.edu
- Writing and Research Editor, Fordham Law Review;
- Associate, Sullivan & Cromwell, 1978-79.
- Principal subjects: Contracts, Commercial Transactions, Remedies, Legal Process (at Fordham since 1979).
- Fordham, JD, 1978
- Vassar, BA, 1969
Representative Publications
- Author (with Perillo) Cases and Problems on Contracts (5th ed. 2007),(4th ed. 2004),(3rd ed. 2000).
- Author (with Calamari and Perillo) Cases and Problems on Contracts (2nd ed. 1989).
- Author (with Perillo) Corbin on Contracts, vol 2, Formation of Contracts (Consideration)(rev.ed. 1995).
- Helen Hadjiyannakis, The Parol Evidence Rule and Implied Terms, 54 Fordham L. Rev. 35 (1985).