Jeffrey Colon

Professor of Law
SSRN (academic papers)
Office: Room 8-103
Faculty Assistant: Diane Pinero,
Areas of Expertise: Tax Law and Policy
Representative Publications
Unplugging Heartbeat Trades and Reforming the Taxation of ETFs, 2 U. Chi. Bus. L. Rev. 53 (2023)
"The Great ETF Tax Swindle: The Taxation of In-kind Redemptions," 122 Penn State L. Rev. 101 (2017)
"Foreign Investors in U.S. Mutual Funds: The Trouble with Treaties," 35 Vir. T. Rev. 482 (2016)
"Oil and Water: Mixing Taxable and Tax-Exempt Shareholders in Mutual Funds," 45 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 101 (2014)"Prejudgment Interest," in Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Financial Expert (Roman Weil et al. eds., 5th ed. 2012) (with Michael Knoll)
"Prejudgment Interest in International Arbitration," 4 Transnational Dispute Management (Issue 6) (Nov. 2007) (with Michael S. Knoll)
"Prejudgment Interest," in Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Financial Expert (Roman Weil et al. eds., 4th ed. 2007) (with Michael Knoll)
"Double-Dipping: The Cross-Border Taxation of Stock Options," 35 Rutgers Law Journal 173 (2003)
"Financial Products and Source Basis Taxation: U.S. International Tax Policy at the Crossroads," 1999 University of Illinois Law Review 775 (1999)
"Changing U.S. Tax Jurisdiction: Expatriates, Immigrants, and the Need for a Coherent Tax Policy," 34 San Diego Law Review 1 (1997)
"IRS Provides Detailed Guidance for Tax-Motivated Expats Following 1996 Amendments," 8 Journal of International Taxation 202 (1997)
"Proposed Cross-border Securities Lending Rules Leave Unanswered Questions," 10 Journal of Taxation of Investments 34 (1992)
Co-author, "IRS Proposes Major Changes to Dollar Approximate Separate Transactions Method Regulations," 21 Tax Management International Journal 151 (1992)
Co-author, "RRA '90 Changes Affect Cross-border Transactions," 1 Journal of International Taxation 294 (1991)
Co-author, "New Soviet Tax Laws Attract Foreign Investors," 1 Journal of International Taxation 278 (1991)
Co-author, "International Tax Planning Manual," (CCH), USSR section (1991)