Jennifer Gordon

John D. Feerick Chair, Professor of Law
Curriculum Vitae
SSRN (academic papers)
Office: Room 7-111
Hours: By Appointment
Faculty Assistant: Larry Bridgett,
Areas of Expertise: Employment and Labor Law, Immigration
Selected Publications
- Suburban Sweatshops: The Fight for Immigrant Rights (Belknap/Harvard University Press, 2005)
Articles and Symposium Contributions
- In the Zone: Work at the Intersection of Trade and Migration, 23 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW 147 (2022)
- The International Governance of Refugee Work, 1 GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY AND GOVERNANCE 239 (2021)
- Immigration as Commerce: A New Look at the Federal Immigration Power and the Constitution, 93 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 653 (2018)
- Regulating the Human Supply Chain, 102 IOWA LAW REVIEW 445 (2017)
- Tensions in Rhetoric and Reality at the Intersection of Work and Immigration, Symposium on Persistent Puzzles in Immigration Law, 2 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW 125 (2012)
- People Are Not Bananas: How Immigration Differs from Trade, 104 NORTHWESTERN UNIV. LAW REVIEW 1109 (2010)
- Strengthening Labor Standards Enforcement through Partnerships with Workers' Organizations (with Janice Fine), 38 POLITICS AND SOCIETY 552 (2010)
- Rethinking Work and Citizenship (with R.A. Lenhardt), 55 UCLA LAW REVIEW 1161 (2008)
- The Lawyer Is Not the Protagonist: Community Campaigns, Law, and Social Change, 95 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 2133 (2007)
- Transnational Labor Citizenship, 80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 503 (2007); excerpts reprinted in LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE (Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, et. al., 2009); GLOBAL ISSUES, LOCAL ARGUMENTS (June Johnson, ed., 2009)
- Citizenship Talk: Bridging the Gap Between Immigration and Race Perspectives (with R.A.Lenhardt), 75 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 2493 (2007)
- Law, Lawyers, and Labor: The United Farm Workers' Legal Strategy in the 1960s and 1970s and the Role of Law in Union Organizing Today, 8 U. PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW 1 (2005)
- We Make the Road by Walking: Immigrant Workers, the Workplace Project and the Struggle for Social Change, 30 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW 407 (1995)
Book Chapters
- Roles for Workers and Unions in Labor Recruitment in Mexico, in TEMPORARY LABOUR MIGRATION IN THE GLOBAL ERA: THE REGULATORY CHALLENGES (Johanna Howe and Rosemary Owens, ed.s, Hart Publishing, 2016)
- Straight Talk about the Dynamics of Labor Migration, in GLOBAL MIGRATION: MYTHS AND REALITIES (Anja Weisbrock and Diego Acosta, eds., Praeger International, 2015)
- Holding the Line on Workplace Standards: What Works for Immigrant Workers (and What Doesn't)?, in WHAT WORKS FOR WORKERS (Ruth Milkman and Joseph McCartin, eds., Russell Sage, 2014).
- The Impact of a New Law on a Movement: The Case of the UFW and the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act, in CAUSE LAWYERS AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS (Austin Sarat and Stuart Scheingold, ed.s, Stanford University Press, 2006)
- Let Them Vote, in A COMMUNITY OF EQUALS: THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION OF NEW AMERICANS (Owen Fiss, et. al., eds., Beacon Press, 1999)
Policy Papers and Reports
- The US Forced Labor Import Ban as a Tool to Raise Labor Standards in Supply Chain Contexts: Strategic Approaches to Advocacy (Working Paper, March 2024)
- Decent Work for displaced people: Lessons from the experiences of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee workers in Colombia and Brazil (International Labor Organization of the United Nations, January 2024), also available in Spanish and Portuguese
- Refugees and Decent Work (International Labor Organization of the United Nations, December 2019)
- Global Labor Recruitment in a Supply Chain Context (International Labor Organization of the United Nations, June 2015)
- Roles for Workers and Unions in Regulating Recruitment in Mexico (Solidarity Center, May 2015)
- Free Movement and Equal Rights for Low-Wage Workers? What the United States Can Learn From the New EU Migration to Britain (University of California-Berkeley Law School, Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy, May 2011)
- Towards Transnational Labor Citizenship: Restructuring Labor Migration to Reinforce Workers Rights (University of California-Berkeley Law School, Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity, January 2009)
- Conflict and Solidarity between African American and Latino Immigrant Workers (with R.A. Lenhardt) (University of California-Berkeley Law School, Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity, and Diversity, November 2007)
Other Publications
- Universal Basic Income and Immigrants: Lessons from the Pandemic, Law and Political Economy Blog, Yale Law School (February 9, 2021)
- El gran ausente de las discusiones laborales—la migración [Central American Migration: The Big Hole in the Mexican Labor Debate], Nexos (April 22, 2019)
- What Ethiopia Can Learn from the Jordan Compact (Op-ed), News Deeply (February 19, 2019)
- Investing in Low-Wage Jobs Is the Wrong Way to Reduce Migration, Foreign Policy (January 28, 2019)
- For the Refugee Compact to Talk Jobs, It Must Listen to theMigration Compact (Op-ed), News Deeply (March 5, 2018)
- Subcontractor Servitude (Op-ed), New York Times (September 2, 2013)
- Sweatshop Diplomacy (Op-ed), New York Times (August 25, 2011)
- "Citizens of the Global Economy," New Labor Forum vol. 20 no. 1 (Winter 2011)
- "Workers Without Borders" (Op-ed), New York Times (March 9, 2009)
- "American Sweatshops," Boston Review (Summer 2005)
- National Law Journal, Outstanding Woman Lawyer, 2015
- Open Society Foundations Fellow, 2013-2014
- MacArthur Prize Fellow, 1999-2004
- National Association for Public Interest Law: Outstanding Public Interest Lawyer 1998
- National Law Journal "40 Under 40" (Forty top lawyers in the U.S. under age forty), 1995
Recent Courses
- Legislation and Regulation
- Immigration Law
- Labor Law
- Workers, the Law and the Changing Economy (seminar)