Norrinda Brown

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Associate Dean for Experiential Education and Director of Clinical Programs

Areas of Expertise: Anti Discrimination Law, Civil Rights, Critical Race Theory, Housing Law and Policy, Poverty Law/Social Justice, Race and Social Justice, Real Estate, Zoning and Land Use

  • Professor Brown is an Associate Professor. Her scholarship focuses on the intersection of race, gender and access to housing and law and has been placed or is forthcoming in the Northwestern Law Review, California Law Review, the Brooklyn Law Review, the NYU Journal of Law and Social Change, the Michigan Journal of Race and Law, and the Clinical Law Review among others.

    She is a recognized expert on housing law issues and has written op-eds and been interviewed for various news outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington PostShelterforce and the New Jersey Star-Ledger. Prior to law teaching, Professor Brown spent almost a decade in government practice at the United States Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division as a trial attorney advocating on behalf of victims of housing discrimination.

    She is engaged in professional service on various committees, including sitting on the Executive Committee of the Clinical Section of the American Association of Law Schools (AALS), which is the largest section in the AALS. Professor Brown was awarded the Junior Faculty of the Year award by the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) in 2021. Professor Brown earned her B.A. from Dartmouth College and her J.D. from University of Virginia School of Law.

    • Black Liberty in Emergency 110 Nw. U. L. Rev. __ (2023) (forthcoming).

    • Housing the Decarcerated: Covid-19, Abolition & the Right to Housing, 110 Calif. L. Rev. 639 (2022).

    • Freedom Pedagogy: Toward Teaching Antiracist Clinics, 28 Clinical L. Rev. 149 (2021).

    • A Critique of the Black Commons as Reparations, 45 N.Y.U. Rev. of L. and Soc. Change 370 (2021).

    • Urban Decolonization, 24 Mich. J. Race & L. 75 (2018).  

    • Accommodating Bias in the Sharing Economy, 83 Brook. L. Rev. (2017).  

    • Section 8 is the New N-Word: Policing Integration in the Age of Black Mobility, 51 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol’y 61 (2016).