Firm Challenge

Law School building skyline

Help your firm win Fordham Law’s Firm Challenge! 

Fordham Law is calling on alumni across all firms to participate in the Firm Challenge! This competition highlights our strong and vibrant network while encouraging support for our law school and students.


Why Participate?

  • Support our innovative programs, centers and institutes, extracurricular offerings, and other integral components of a first-class legal education.
  • Establish a lifelong tradition of philanthropy among your colleagues and work together to increase your impact at Fordham Law.
  • Honor the community that helped you succeed and give Fordham Law students every advantage to succeed in the legal field.
  • Increase Firm visibility among students.
  • Compete against other law firms for bragging rights!

    Make your gift and see how your firm is doing here!

Join the Challenge

The Challenge runs July through June. Winning firms with 100% participation will receive special recognition at the Law School, as well as the firm with the highest giving.

Any gift to Fordham Law from alumni at participating firms made between July 1 and June 30 will be counted in the Firm Challenge. All gifts to the Law School—no matter the size or designation—count toward the Challenge and toward your firm’s participation rate.



Does giving qualify me for membership in certain recognition societies?

Yes! Your giving may also qualify you for the Dean’s Society and the Dean's Young Alumni Society. More info on both can be found here. Both Societies recognize the school’s most loyal supporters—alumni and friends who make annual gifts at leadership levels. 

Do pledges count for Law Firm Challenge credit?

Yes! Pledges are a crucial way of affirming your support of Fordham Law and pledges count for Firm Challenge giving.

What do Firm Captains do?

Partner and associate Firm Captains serve as ambassadors of the Law School by encouraging giving among fellow alumni at their respective firms, circulating information about exciting developments at the Law School, and keeping their colleagues apprised of the firm’s standing in the Challenge to help inspire 100% participation. 

What is the timing of the Challenge?

The Firm Challenge runs July through March, ending on the date of Fordham Law’s Annual Luncheon each year. 

How can I get involved in the Challenge? 

If your firm is interested in joining the Firm Challenge, please contact Kate Morrissey at [email protected]. Make your gift here!

If your firm is interested in joining the Law Firm Giving Challenge, please contact Kate Morrissey at [email protected].