Resources for Fordham Law Students

Student Resources
Fordham University School of Law provides various resources to assist students in their daily campus life.  Explore these resources listed below.

Students should also visit the Law School's Life at Fordham site, which lists the offices and student organizations providing student services.

  • Telephone: 212-636-6080

    The Bookstore operated by Barnes & Noble College and located on the street level of the Lowenstein Center, offers new, used, rental, and digital coursebooks, stationary supplies, law study aids and other reading materials. The bookstore also has t-shirts, sweaters, mugs, and other Fordham memorabilia. Visit the bookstore's website for information on store hours, textbook ordering, special deals, and more.

    Visit Bookstore Website

  • Report building or grounds issues concerning temperature, clean-up, or repair through the work order portal.

    In the event of an emergency, contact the Law Public Safety desk at 212-636-6975.

    For non-standard maintenance or building requests contact Aisha Harper at 212-636-6870.

  • Announcements or notices for activities hosted by offices or organizations in the law school are to be placed on bulletin boards and are not to exceed 20" x 15". Each office and student organization at the Law School that has been assigned a bulletin board, or a portion of one, is responsible for the upkeep of its bulletin board. These offices and organizations are the only ones authorized to post or remove notices and announcements on their respective bulletin boards.

    Bulletin boards for general announcements and coming events are designated throughout the Law School building. Notices and announcements to be posted on these boards are to be approved by the Office of Student Affairs. Any notice posted on these bulletin boards without prior approval will be removed. Each office or organization placing dated materials on these bulletin boards will also be responsible for their removal after the announced activity has taken place.

    No announcement or notice for an activity hosted by any office or organization may be posted on the walls, doors, floors, elevators, glass panes, lockers, or restrooms in the Law School. In keeping with the University's Alcohol Policy, the Office of Student Affairs will not approve announcements for events involving alcohol.

  • The Law School offers the following food and dining options — undergraduate community dining facility, faculty and graduate dining facility, Ram Café, and Jazzman's Library Café.

  • For more information on Graduate Housing, please visit the graduate housing section of the website. If you have specific questions, please email the Graduate Housing office at

    For students unable to secure graduate housing in the Wilshire building, we offer other alternatives to assist with your search. We have an online housing group that will connect admitted students from across the country or right here in Manhattan to facilitate the 1L housing search. Through this resource, members can communicate with one another to locate housing resources, post housing opportunities, find roommates, or just ask general questions about living in NYC. The admitted student facebook group page is also a really good resource for making connections for roommates, etc.

    Housing assignments for incoming students will begin in June after the second deposit deadline. If you are interested in being considered for housing in McMahon Hall, you will receive an email asking if you are interested in being considered for an on campus room in a law suite. For more information on the details of the McMahon Hall residence and Graduate Housing, please visit Living on Campus at Lincoln Center. If you receive a housing assignment and have specific questions, please email the Residential Life Office at

  • At Orientation, the Office of Student Affairs will assign lockers and locks to all first-year, LLM, visiting and transfer students. The student may use this locker until after graduation.

    Student Taking a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal; visiting or exchange student: Must empty locker within one (1) week of the effective date of your leave or withdrawal. Any contents remaining after that date will be removed and discarded. If you are returning, a new assignment will be made upon return.

    September/February Graduate: Must empty locker no later than a week after the February Bar examination. Any contents remaining after that date will be removed and discarded.

    May Graduate: Must empty locker by the end of July of your graduating year (the exact date will be announced each Spring). Any contents remaining after that date will be removed and discarded.

    Lockers are assigned randomly; a student's preference for a particular locker location will not be accepted. You are not allowed to switch lockers with another student.

    Students are not allowed to remove the school-issued lock. Lockers found not to be school-issued will be clipped.

    To properly lock your locker, the latch must be attached and the door must be flush with the neighboring locker doors. Fordham University is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

    You are not allowed to place any type of adhesive, postings, stickers, nails or thumb tacks on any part (inside or outside) of the locker. Students may be subject to a damage fee for any damage to the locker.

    In order to perform routine or emergency repairs/maintenance of your locker, the Office of Student Affairs may access your locker.

    In the event, you lose or forget your locker assignment, please present your Fordham ID card in the Office of Student Affairs (Room 4-101). If your locker or lock needs repair, please visit the Office of Student Affairs or call 212-636-7155.

  • Any item lost or found in the Law School should be turned in to the front security desk at Lowenstein.

    Any stolen item should be reported immediately to the front security desk at Lowenstein. Everyone is reminded not to leave their belongings unsecured and unattended in classrooms, the Library or lockers.

    Lowenstein Security: 212-636-6075

  • A student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, will be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes and make up any examination which were missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind will be charged by the University for making available to such student such equivalent opportunity.

    A student with an exam that conflicts with a religious observance must file an Examination Conflict Form with the Registrar by the date announced each semester by the Registrar. A student with a registration date or class session that conflicts with a religious observance must notify the Registrar at least two weeks prior to any affected registration or class session.

    For specific religious holidays pre-approved by the Law School, Media Services arranges for professors to tape those class sessions. For more information, contact Media Services at 212-636-7324.

  • Please be careful of your property and person at all times. Remember to ensure that the locks on your lockers are securely locked after every use and not to leave your laptops and other devices unattended in any part of the University. Because the Law School building is quite vast with many remote rooms and corridors, please report all suspicious persons or actions to security.

    Law School Security located in the lobby: 212-636-6975

    Lowenstein Security Office: 212-636-6075

  • Ram Van

    The Ram Van is a regularly scheduled, all day express service connecting the Lincoln Center and the Rose Hill campuses. 

    NJ Transit Student Commuter Discounts

    The NJ Transit Student Discounted Monthly Pass Program is offered to full-time students and the monthly pass should only be purchased for travel to and from school.