Rose Hill Commuter Student Services

Commuter Student Services is offered through the Office for Student Involvement and we are here to support your success as a new Fordham Ram.
Approximately 40% of the full-time, undergraduate students at Rose Hill are commuters. A variety of on-campus programs and excursions exist to enhance the commuter experience at the University.
Additionally, we offer a variety of services and resources for both traditional live-at-home commuters and off-campus commuters. These include:
Special Grants for Commuters
Metro Grants and other funding for $10.000 a year or more.
Commuter Assistants (Upperclassmen Mentors)
First-year students are automatically assigned a Commuter Assistant that serves as a resource for anything related to Fordham. Additionally, Commuter Student Services has implemented an opt-in program for upperclassmen students that would like continued support past their first-year as well as for students moving off-campus!
Contact Rose Hill Commuter Student Services
441 East Fordham Road, McShane Center Suite 270
Bronx, NY 10458