CSS Events and Activities
Rose Hill's Commuter Student Services and Commuting Students Association provide programming that is open to the entire Fordham community, while keeping the needs of commuter and off-campus students in mind. Below is a list of our annually held events. For more information about times and dates of our events, follow us on social media and look out for our biweekly newsletter!

First Year Commuter Welcome Barbecue
During the summer, new commuter students are invited to attend a FREE summer outdoor barbecue, where they have the opportunity to meet other new students, meet campus administrators and tour the campus. This is a commuter student’s first chance to meet with their Commuter Assistant (CA) group, and start to build relationships with those upper-classmen. At the barbecue, students learn more about student activities, New Student Orientation and commuter life at Fordham.
Digital Meal Voucher Lottery and Lounge Luncheons
Commuter Student Services (CSS) sponsors a meal program for commuter and off-campus students. Each month, a google form is sent out to the community to sign up for the digital lottery and 50 students win a meal voucher that can be used at an on-campus dining location. Additionally, twice a semester you can stop by the student lounge in the lower level of McGinley to mingle with other students over a free meal. More details can be found on the Commuter Student Services OrgSync portal!
Monthly Community Socials
One Thursday every month the Commuter Assistant hosts Community Socials during the activity block. These meetings typically involve a fun activity or competition, as well as important announcements from various departments on campus who are here to support all students.
Commuter Career Chats
In collaboration with the Office of Career Services and Gabelli's Personal and Professional Development Office, the Commuter Assistant teamwork to invite employers to host information sessions throughout the semester at commuter-friendly times. Past employers that have participated in this program are Deloitte, EY, PwC, Teach for America, Nike, etc.
Thanks-Give-Away (Fall Semester)
This annual event takes place right before Thanksgiving. It’s a time for the Fordham community to come together for a meal and enjoy an assortment of entertainment for the evening. All non-perishable food items and monetary donations are given to POTS (Part of the Solution), a non-profit organization serving the local community. Attendees have the opportunity to win raffles from excursions in NYC to designer products. In Fall 2019, the Commuting Students Association raised $2,189.00 and 153 cans for the local organization.
Commuter Week (Spring Semester)
Every Spring Semester, Commuter Student Services and the Commuting Students Association plan a themed week of programming and events open to the entire Fordham Community. Events take place at commuter-friendly times during the day where students can unwind, have fun, and win prizes!
Midday Breakfast
Right before finals take place, Fordham offers a Midnight Breakfast for students. Sometimes commuters cannot stay for this event. Commuter Student Services and the Commuting Students Association along with administrative departments sponsor a Midday Breakfast held on one of the last days of classes at a commuter-friendly lunchtime. If you’re stressing over finals, check this event out.