First Year Core Programming

First Year Core Programming

Rose Hill Student Life, the Office of Residential Life, and the Office for Student Involvement have as their mission to care for and educate students outside the classroom and ensure each student is prepared for their first year of college. To that end, for nearly three decades, first year students have participated in a continuation of the educational processes begun in the summer before opening/move-in and during orientation. This continued process of orientation into the fall is First Year Core Programming (FYCP), a series of selected sessions on topics of critical importance to first year students.

Please see your resident director, resident assistant, or commuter assistant if you have questions about First Year Core Programming, a required component of your first year at Fordham University. You may also contact the Office of Residential Life (718.817.3080/ or the Office for Student Involvement (718.817.4339/ of the Office of the Dean of Students (718.817.4750/ 


Campus Assault and Relationship Education (CARE)

Respect for the dignity of others is a foundation of our mission as a University and of our community. Nowhere is this mor critical in relationships. Sessions online and during orientation on this expectation are augmented by continuing education into the fall through First Year Core Programming sessions on CARE provided by our staff in University Health Services and Counseling and Psychological Services from a presentation collaboratively developed by staff in the Division of Student Affairs. Content delivered by United Student Government's Committee of Sexual Misconduct rounds out this session with student perspectives on consent. Emphasizing the critical importance of consent in healthy relationships, our responsibility to intervene as bystanders when a fellow student is at risk or may be the victim of abuse, the interplay of alcohol and other drugs with sexual misconduct, the law in this area, and formal and confidential reporting and support resources, these sessions are required for important reasons. For additional information, see the CARE section of the University website as well.

Civility and Belonging

Sessions and overall themes informed by the University's Jesuit Catholic mission are critical to each first year student as they take their place as members of this intentional community. This session, delivered by staff from the Office for Multicultural Affairs and the Office of Residential Life, emphasizes the expectations about which all students learn first through Orientation in the summer and in August, making clear how we all work to respect the dignity of all members of our community.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol and other drug misuse remains a serious problem among college age members of the community and Fordham students. Delivered during Orientation to the entire class, this session includes tips of how celebration can happen in a way that minimizes the risk of harm to students, emphasizes our role in looking out for one another in the community,  

Public Safety

Delivered during Orientation by the Department of Public Safety, this session reviews important safety practices and tips, approaches to safety in any big city, response to the unlikely event of an active shooter on campus, reporting and assistance resources, and other crucial information. Public Safety can be reached at 718.817.2222/

Fire Safety for Resident Students

Fire safety is essential in your family home as well as in a residence hall setting and resident students must know the basics of fire safety for the halls in which they live. This brief session from Public Safety gives first year students the training they need including how to live safely in a shared building, safety features for your hall, how to evacuate during an emergency, and what to do in a fire or smoke condition.

Schedule as of 9.27.24 (please check back here for changes)

Date Time Location Session
9/30/24 3:00 PM Ballroom CARE
9/30/24 4:15 PM Ballroom CARE
9/30/24 5:30 PM Ballroom CARE
10/2/24 5:00 PM Ballroom Civility
10/2/24 6:00 PM Ballroom Civility
10/3/24 1:00 PM Ballroom CARE
10/3/24 2:15 PM Ballroom Civility
10/3/24 4:00 PM Ballroom CARE
10/3/24 5:15 PM Ballroom Civility
10/3/24 6:15 PM Ballroom Civility
10/7/24 1:00 PM Ballroom CARE
10/7/24 2:15 PM Ballroom Civility
9/26/24 7:00 PM Fordham Prep Fire Safety
10/7/24 7:00 PM Ballroom Fire Safety
10/10/24 7:00 PM Ballroom Fire Safety
10/21/24 4:00 PM Ballroom Civility
10/21/24 5:00 PM Ballroom Civility
10/17/24 4:00 PM Ballroom Civility
10/17/24 5:00 PM Ballroom Civility