Mental Health and Medical-Related Re-Entry Process
Students who seek to resume study after an emergency, crisis, hospitalization, unexplained absence, medical leave of absence (MLOA), withdrawal (WD), or other incident due to mental health and/or medical reasons go through the re-entry process (also outlined in the University Regulations) before resuming classes or returning to University housing. Once the college or school confirms that a student is eligible to resume study, the student is sent instructions on how to proceed.
We are here to help students in their return to Fordham and to assist in navigating the re-entry process.
For more specific information on the general requirements of the Mental Health and Medical-Related Re-Entry Process, please see the relevant University Regulation.
This web page is provided to assist with instructions on the re-entry process. Please read all information under the section below that applies to your situation.
Students currently away on a Medical Leave of Absence, who have withdrawn from the University, or who have otherwise taken extended time away from the University for mental health/medical reasons: submit the documents noted by the specific deadlines published on this web page to be eligible for re-entry for your desired semester. See more information below.
Mid-semester Medical Leave of Absence: any student granted a medical leave while classes/exams are underway and who seeks to return for the approaching semester must submit a Letter of Intent to the staff managing the re-entry process at the appropriate campus (Rose Hill: and Lincoln Center: as soon as possible and a reasonable time in advance of the start of the upcoming academic semester. See more information below.
Please monitor this page as deadlines are renewed in advance of the Fall, Spring, and Summer academic semesters/sessions.
- Letter of Intent: Monday, March 17, 2025
- Release of Information: Monday, March 31, 2025
- Community Provider Form (Mental Health/Medical): Monday, March 31, 2025
Please contact the appropriate campus office with any questions or concerns about the re-entry process. Please contact your college/graduate or professional school for information about Medical Leave of Absence.
Goals of the Process
For more specific information on the requirements of the Mental Health and Medical-Related Re-Entry Process, please see the relevant University Regulation. The Goals of the Process are to:
- ensure that students are ready to return to classes and/or university housing after an emergency, crisis, hospitalization, unexplained absence, medical leave of absence (LOA) or withdrawal (WD);
- ensure coordination among separate areas and offices associated with the re-entry process;
- give students and families a clear set of expectations and requirements for re-entry; and
- ensure that Fordham University is adequately prepared to support students as they return to academics and housing.
Similar to return after Medical Leave of Absence, the University works with student to ensure smooth transition from hospitalization. After hospitalization, and unless the Dean of Students/Student Affairs staff or designate authorizes return, students apply through the re-entry process before returning to classes and/or university housing. If a student does not return home after hospitalization, Student Affairs staff must first approve a return to university housing through this process.
To assess a student’s readiness to return to campus after a hospitalization, the following documents must be submitted as soon as possible after discharge to the appropriate campus:
- Hospital discharge summary (including diagnosis, treatment provided at hospital and recommendations for treatment at discharge);
- Medical Community Provider Form or Mental Health Community Provider Form
Students returning home after mental health-related hospitalization are required to schedule and attend at least two full sessions with a licensed mental health provider and have that provider complete the Community Provider Report Form upon completion of the two full sessions; - Release of Information for the provider completing the Community Provider Form.
The re-entry process will move forward once this documentation has been received and reviewed. Students will be contacted if your documentation is incomplete, or if additional information is needed or to schedule a meeting with a member of the Student Affairs staff.
Please note: Each college/school has a limit to the number of class absences permitted. Please be sure review the attendance policy and contact your academic dean or advising staff for specific information.
When a student misses class(es) or is absent for any of the reasons noted on the main page, they apply to return to housing, classes, and the campus via re-entry process.
To assess a student’s readiness to return to classes, the following documents must be submitted as soon as possible to the appropriate campus prior to return:
- Medical Community Provider Form or Mental Health Community Provider Form
In mental health-related cases, student are also asked to schedule and attend at least two full sessions with a licensed mental health provider, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed clinical social worker before return. If students have a personal provider, they should seek care from the provider for at least two additional sessions. Please have your provider complete the Community Provider Report Form upon completion of the two full sessions. - Release of Information for the provider completing the Community Provider Form
The process can move forward once this documentation has been received and reviewed. Students will be contacted if documentation is incomplete, if additional information is needed, and/or to schedule a meeting with a member of the student affairs staff.
Please note: each college/school has a limit to the number of class absences permitted. Please view the attendance policy and contact your college/school with questions.
- Medical Community Provider Form or Mental Health Community Provider Form
Students who have taken a Medical Leave of Absence or have been away from the university for an extended period of time due to mental health or medical reasons go through the re-entry process to return to classes and/or university housing. To be eligible to return for your desired semester, all documentation must be submitted by the deadlines listed above. Document review will begin after the deadline listed below.
To assess a student’s readiness to return to classes, the following documents must be submitted to the appropriate campus by the deadlines listed above :
- Letter of Intent - Re-Entry--
- Release of Information—
- Medical Community Provider Form or Mental Health Community Provider Form—Please choose the form that applies to you. You do not need to fill out both.
- Please schedule and attend at least two full sessions with a licensed mental health provider, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist or licensed clinical social worker. If you have a personal provider, you must continue to seek care from your provider for at least two additional sessions. Please have your provider complete the Community Provider Report Form upon completion of the two full sessions.
- Discharge paperwork (if applicable)—if you were hospitalized just before or during your Medical Leave of Absence, please also submit the hospital discharge summary (including diagnosis, treatment provided at the hospital, and recommendations for treatment at discharge).
If documents are not received by the deadlines listed above, we will assume you are no longer interested in returning for your desired semester.
The re-entry process will move forward once this documentation has been received and reviewed. You will be contacted if your documentation is incomplete, or if additional information is needed or to schedule a meeting with a member of the student affairs staff.
- If you need a mental health provider close to campus, we recommend that you contact your medical insurance carrier to find an appropriate provider. If you need further assistance in finding a provider, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services staff: Dr. Miriam Burt (718-817-3725) at Rose Hill or Dr. Yael Uness (212-636-6225) at Lincoln Center.
- The Re-Entry Team primarily uses a student’s Fordham email account for communication, unless you have specifically requested an alternative email. Please remember to frequently check your email for any communication from us.
- After review of all documents, students may be asked to submit additional supporting medical documentation. The Re-Entry Team will communicate with the student and/or family if additional information is needed.
- Once a decision is made regarding a student’s re-entry, it will be communicated in writing. Until this decision is communicated, the student may not be on campus, attend classes, or participate in any school-related activities.