Student Handbook

Triple Pictures of University Buildings

Student Handbook

Your Resource and Reference Guide

The Fordham University Student Handbook is provided as a resource and reference guide to University operations, policies and regulations. Additional information is available on University policies, Residential Life policies, and academic policies in the Undergraduate Bulletin

You are responsible for knowledge of the regulations and information contained within these and other publications. If you do not understand a policy or regulation, it is your responsibility to ask the Dean of Students Office for clarification or interpretation. 

Policies and Regulations included in this Handbook may be amended from time to time by the authorized administrators of Fordham University.

For printed copies of University Regulations, Rose Hill and Louis Calder students should contact the Dean of Students at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center and Westchester students should contact the Dean of Students at Lincoln Center. If you require assistance with access to the online version other sections, please contact the  Office of Disability Services.