University Regulations: Drug-Free Campus Guidelines

The abuse of alcohol and other drugs is a national epidemic. Fordham’s educational mission demands a comprehensive approach to prevention that includes instruction available to all members of the University community concerning the health, social and legal risks associated with substance use and abuse. In addition, as an institution rooted in the Jesuit tenet of “cura personalis” — concern for the individual, the University is committed to helping any individual member of the University community overcome the psychological and physical symptoms that are attributed to substance abuse and addiction.

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), the University has set forth in this guide the legal penalties under both Federal and State law for the illegal possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol, as well as the range of University sanctions that can be imposed for violation of the University’s policies regarding substance abuse. The following information is critical and should be read carefully by each student and employee.