Frequently Asked Questions
Deposit FAQs
When do I need to submit the housing deposit?
You must deposit by Thursday, February 15, 2024 on your student portal.
Will my deposit automatically be charged to my account?
No, you must pay online with a credit card.
Can I have an extension on the housing deposit?
For extension requests, please email prior to February 15, 2024.
Is the housing deposit refundable?
The Housing Deposit is fully refundable if you withdraw by June 1st. After this date, the deposit is partially refundable based on the Calendar on the Refund of the Room Deposit in our Room Selection Manual.
Study Abroad FAQs
If I’m studying abroad in the Fall, should I submit a housing deposit?
Yes, you should submit a housing deposit to keep your spot in housing. Once you are confirmed with a study abroad program, you can withdraw from the fall semester from housing.
If I am studying abroad in the Fall but would like to be in housing for the Spring, how will I be assigned?
Housing Operations staff will reach out to you in the fall semester to ask your preferences, including hall, room style, and roommate requests. You will receive your housing assignment for Spring around December.
Room Retention:
How can I retain my housing assignment for next year?
You can submit a room retention request between Tuesday, March 5-7th. You must meet the eligible criteria to be approved. This is for upperclass students only who meet the following:
- If you and your roommates want to live in the same room next year, you are eligible to retain this room if more than 50% of the current occupants are willing to retain, AND you are able to fill all spaces within the room/suite.
For a full explanation of who is eligible and the criteria, please visit the Room Selection Manual for 2024-2025 on page 16. More information will be provided.
ILC Questions:
How do I apply for an Integrated Learning Community in O’Hare Hall?
You must submit an ILC application that has been emailed to you by the deadline of February 9, 2024. For more information, please visit Integrated Learning Community.
Does my roommate also have to apply for the ILC if we want together in an ILC?
Yes, both students must apply and be accepted to the ILC in order to live together.
Mixed Class Year Questions:
If I’m a rising senior and want to live with rising juniors, is this allowed? How can I do it?
Yes, this is possible! If you are in a mixed class year group (any mix of sophomores, juniors, and seniors, please email with your group information (including Group Name and Password and group members’ names) during Group Formation to be verified.
When will I pick my room if I’m in am mixed class year group?
Mixed class years with only seniors and juniors will pick on Friday, April 5, 2024 at a time slot given by the Office of Residential Life. Mixed class years that include sophomores will pick on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at a time slot given by the Office of Residential Life.
Other Common Questions:
If I want to apply for housing accommodations based on a medical or mental health condition, when is the deadline?
The deadline is March 6th to submit requests. Housing Accommodation Request Forms for 2024-2025 must be submitted to or faxed to our office by the deadline in order to be considered. Approved requests from last year must be submitted with the new form annually.
I’m applying to be a Resident Assistant next year, what should I do for the deposit process?
All Resident Assistants hired to the position or RA candidates are required to pay the $200 Housing Deposit in order to guarantee their space in housing for the upcoming academic year.
If I want to transfer to Lincoln Center from Rose Hill, what should I do?
Please deposit at Rose Hill and go through the room selection process. Contact the Lincoln Center Office of Residential Life. In the summer, the Office of Residential Life at Rose Hill works with Lincoln Center to coordinate internal transfers. If you do not deposit at your campus in February for 2024-2025, you will not be guaranteed housing at either campus.