Fitness Centers Membership Information
Enrollment and Fees
RH Ram Fit and Lombardi Centers:
- Full-time undergraduate students at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center, Weschester Campus, and full-time students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, are entitled to membership and use of the facilities. (Tuition fees cover the cost of the membership).
- All other students (part-time or graduate) of Fordham University must either:
- Obtain a membership OR
- Pay a $5 daily fee with their valid Fordham ID for the Rose Hill facility
- Any member of the Fordham community (alumni, staff, admin. or facility with a valid ID) must obtain a membership or pay the daily entrance fee of $10.
- Guests, accompanied by members their entire visit, may purchase a day pass for $10 for the RH facilities. There is a two-guest limit per individual per visit. Guests first and last names are required.
Membership Enrollment Application
Lincoln Center Fitness:
- Lincoln Center Fitness facility does not require membership. All students (undergraduate and graduate) as well as all employees are eligible to use the facility at no cost.
- Alumni and Guests are not allowed.
Contact for Membership
Sarah L. Bickford
Administration of Fitness and Recreation
Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation
Fax: 718-817-3815