Medical Amnesty Policy and Patient Confidentiality

It is of the utmost importance for everyone in the Rose Hill community to understand Fordham’s medical amnesty policy. This policy provides students with the safety of being able to call for help without any fear of being punished for any actions that may have led up to the reason FUEMS was called. Once again, you do not need to fear “getting in trouble” if you call for help, you are protected under the medical amnesty policy! So please do not hesitate to call if your or a friend need immediate medical attention, you are protected!

Secondly it is also very important to grasp our patient confidentiality policy. As per certain HIPPA laws and regulations FUEMS is not allowed to release any information about transportation or care provided unless given the proper consent from a patient. This means that FUEMS will not release information to parents, nor will they attempt or accept contact from parents as medical care is in progress. Also know that you’re safe from “gossip on campus”; HIPPA laws and regulations also mandate that our EMTs are not allowed to disclose any patient information to anyone that was not involved in the call.

Contact FUEMS

[email protected]