Office for Student Involvement at Rose Hill

Students cheer

The mission of the Office for Student Involvement is to help fulfill Fordham's Jesuit mission to educate students as whole people. We provide students with meaningful interactions outside of the classroom that connect students with their peers and with other members of the University community.

These interactions help students to unify their educational experiences with their lived experiences, provoking critical thought and motivating them to develop a sound system of values. Believing in the importance of service in its many dimensions, we offer our students opportunities to work collaboratively with and for the benefit of the University, local and world communities. This collaborative service promotes each student's personal growth toward individual excellence.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Have a question? Text "RamsRH" to 718-817-5433
Office Location: McShane Center, Rm 204
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458

Fax: 718-817-4375