Study Abroad Financial Aid

Students on a tuk-tuk in Cambodia

Please consult with your financial aid counselor and refer to the Study Abroad Guidelines to determine the portability of your financial aid package. Fordham financial aid can be used towards the cost of Fall or Spring semester study abroad only.

Financial Aid Policy: Fordham in London, Fordham in Granada, Exchange, and Partner Programs' tuition is the same as traditional undergraduate per-term Fordham tuition in NY. Additional fees that cover the cost of housing, insurance, orientation, co-curricular activities, the Study Abroad Fee, Technology Fee, General Fee, and Insurance Fee will be charged.

Given the student's continuing eligibility, all Fordham financial aid will be portable for approved study abroad programs except room-specific aid and work-study. Tuition Remission, Tuition Exchange, and FACHEX can be applied to the cost for Fordham in London, Fordham in Granada, and Exchange Programs only. Need-based metro grants for commuting students are portable for approved study abroad programs, but please consult with the Office of Student Financial Services to determine Metro Grant portability.

For all study abroad programs, as long as eligibility requirements are met, students eligible for a Pell Grant, a New York State TAP grant or student loans can apply this aid toward their study abroad charges.

*Students who receive VA benefits for tuition: VA will pay for Study Abroad tuition only for courses taken at the Fordham London. At the Fordham London Centre the VA will continue to pay for net tuition and fees as they would at Fordham (net tuition is tuition less any scholarships you receive) and does not cover any Study Abroad specific charges (Study Abroad Participation Fee, Study Abroad Application Fee, Study Abroad Deposit, Study Abroad Housing, Study Abroad Program Fee). In general, the VA only covers fees that ALL Fordham students are charged ( I.e. general fee, technology fee). You will receive a monthly housing stipend based upon the international rate.

*VA will only cover Study Abroad-specific charges if study abroad is required for the student program or graduation.