Short-Term Study Abroad Program Policies
In order to apply for approval to study abroad, you must find the program in our search page and click "Apply Now." Please review the study abroad guidelines below for eligibility information.
Opportunities for short-term study at foreign destinations are open to all undergraduates in good academic standing (GPA of 3.00 or better) and a clear disciplinary record. Applications from students who do not meet one of these requirements will be considered on a case by case basis and may undergo additional review.
All applicants must complete the online Fordham Study Abroad Application in the Study Abroad Portal. Applications that might require additional consideration are reviewed by the International and Study Abroad Programs Faculty Advisory Board. This committee’s recommendations are final.
In addition to the academic policies of Fordham and your major department(s), the following policies apply:
To secure necessary approvals and the transfer of credits for courses not offered by Fordham University, students are required to submit all application forms to the ISAP office on stipulated dates. Participants must make sure their projected study abroad credits do not exceed the number of transfer credits allowed to receive a Fordham degree (generally 60).
Core curriculum requirements can only be fulfilled by Fordham courses taught by a Fordham professor abroad.
Major and Minor requirements can be fulfilled by Fordham courses taught by a Fordham professor abroad or at an outside program by obtaining appropriate approval. Fordham College students must obtain major/minor advisor approval and GSB students must obtain approval from the Assistant Dean of Global Programs for courses taken abroad towards majors or minors by completing the electronic course approval form in the Study Abroad Portal.
Program forms requesting official university approval of participation must be signed by Fordham’s Director of Study Abroad.
Grades earned abroad are recorded on a student’s transcript, but with the exception of Fordham-taught courses, are not calculated in the student’s GPA. Courses cannot be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. A grade of C or better in each course is required and courses must be the equivalent of 3 credits at Fordham to transfer; Credits for duplicate courses will not transfer.
Students applying to programs in non-English speaking countries may take a program language placement test. Since a poor placement may require doing course work abroad that amounts to duplication of courses already taken at Fordham, it is recommended that you not leave a “gap” in your language study.
Fordham students enrolled in study abroad programs are expected to comply at all times with the University Code of Conduct and all other rules, regulations, and policies contained in the Student Handbook and the Study Abroad Handbook. They are also expected to conform to the rules, policies, and standards of the host institution, program and country.
Participating in extreme sports, driving a motor vehicle, SCUBA diving, sky diving, mountaineering, ultra-light aircraft, parasailing, sailplaning/gliders, hang gliding, parachuting, bungee jumping or riding in any aircraft except as a passenger on a regularly scheduled airline or charter flight is prohibited while studying abroad.
Approval to study abroad is specific to the site at which your study abroad program is located. You must complete a Travel Registration at as well as follow the on-site procedures in place at your study abroad location each time you leave your host city. Fordham University permits independent travel to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level 1 and 2 only.
Fordham University typically does not permit study abroad students to travel independently to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level 3 and above. Requests to do so will be reviewed by Fordham University and may not be approved.
Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in dismissal from the study abroad program and loss of academic credit.
Approval to study abroad is specific to the site at which your study abroad program is located. You must complete a Travel Registration at as well as follow the on-site procedures in place at your study abroad location each time you leave your host city. Fordham University permits independent travel to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level 1 and 2 only.
Fordham University typically does not permit study abroad students to travel independently to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level 3 and above. Requests to do so will be reviewed by Fordham University and may not be approved.
Students must secure transcripts required by the study abroad program(s) they apply to and, upon completing their term abroad, request that an official transcript be sent to the Director of Study Abroad at Fordham. All participants are expected to complete a Program Evaluation Form in the Study Abroad Portal shortly after their return. Please note that the study abroad transcript will not be evaluated nor the credits posted until this form is completed.
Students who enroll in one of Fordham University's Abroad courses receive a bill from Fordham University's Office of Student Accounts, which in most cases covers the cost of tuition, housing, orientation services, and insurance. "Out of Pocket" expenses, such as transportation, airfare, books, meals, visa fees, and entertainment are generally not included in this bill.
Students who opt to enroll in a short-term study abroad program that is not administered by Fordham University pay all fees directly to their host institutions.
Financial holds preclude all registration activity, including acceptance into the study abroad programs.
These are current study abroad guidelines and policies. Fordham University reserves the right to withdraw or modify any of these, and/or to cancel a program or modify a program's itinerary to ensure its successful operation.