Ginger F. Zaimis

Ginger F. Zaimis (G.F. Zaimis) is an American poet, essayist, polymath, literary translator and adviser who specializes in Hellenism, architectural and perennial forms.
Ginger’s vision and grammatology explore the intersections of contemporary modernisms and comparative literature through her progressed mythologies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and other dramatic works while reuniting the Arts, Humanities and Sciences as one.
Her work has been presented at centers for contemporary art, biennials, museums, universities, world libraries and the Centre for Greek Philosophy, the Athens Academy, Keats-Shelley Museum, Rome and the Freud Museum London, to name a few. The author of seven monographs and the architect of two new poetic forms, her work is translated into several languages.
Her literary oeuvre is imbued with a tapestry of mythos & logos, poetry, plays, essays, non-fiction, literary & philosophical translations including, excerpts from the Pre-Socratics and the Hippocratium, Aristophanes' Frogs, as well as, the Stoics: Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus (in Sestina) and Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, English verse translations from the Ancient Greek. She is PEN America’s Finalist for Best First Collection, as well as a Southerner, former New Yorker, Philhellene, and a conscious preservationist of our planet.