Worldwide Semester Programs
Academic Settings
Direct Enrollment programs provide students an immersive study abroad experience. Students in these programs live and study alongside degree-seeking students at esteemed university partners such as Oxford University, Sciences Po Reims, University of Sydney, Singapore Management University, and many others. Fordham offers direct enrollments at both English-taught universities and immersive language programs in a number of countries. Fordham’s Exchange Programs include direct enrollments at universities in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Peru, The Philippines, South Korea, and Spain. These programs are well-suited for motivated, independent, and adaptable students who are seeking a culturally and academically immersive study abroad experience.
Island Programs provide students the opportunity to study abroad at centers that replicate the American university experience and are specifically designed to cater to the needs of American study abroad students. Students enrolled in these programs will live and study with other study abroad students. Teaching and assessment are comparable to those at American universities. Unless otherwise noted, instruction is in English but a language class may be required in locations whose host language is not English.
Some island programs partner with local universities, allowing study abroad students to enroll in certain local university classes with local students. Participants are exposed to teaching and assessment methods that may differ from those at American universities. Unless otherwise noted, these classes are taught in the language of the host country. These unique programs are called “Hybrid” in our catalog.
Click here for a list of Island Programs
Click here for a list of "Hybrid" Programs
Special Focus Programs integrate a central academic subject, thematic topic, experiential learning, service opportunity, or internship that permeates the student experience. These programs provide students who are interested in a special focus the opportunity to be immersed in that topic for their term abroad. These programs may offer extensive field-based work, independent research, service learning, or professional internships.
Click here for a list of Special Focus Programs