Summer Session Pre-College Courses
Choose from three great college experiences either online or at Fordham's beautiful Rose Hill campus in the Bronx which features 85 acres of rolling lawns, tree-shaded walkways and Gothic-style buildings or attend a course at the Lincoln Center campus, located in the culturally-rich West side of Manhattan.
These are the 2025 classes that are recommended for Pre-College program participants. If your interests take you elsewhere, please request permission to enroll in other courses by emailing Note, courses above the 1000-level often have prerequisites.
COMC-1101-R21 Communication and Culture: History, Theory and Methods | TWTh 01:00PM - 04:00PM | Hybrid/Rose Hill | D'Aiello, Alan | CRN: 14933
ECON-1200-R21 Principles of Microeconomics | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Collins, Sean | CRN: 16549
ENGL-1102-R21 Composition II | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Cape, Corinna | CRN: 14986
PHIL-1000-R21 Philosophy of Human Nature | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Levander, Tore | CRN: 14995
PSYC-1200-R21 Foundations of Psychology with Lab | MTWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM, MTh 01:00PM - 03:00PM | TBA | CRN: 16386
ARHI-1100-L21 Art History Introduction | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM Hybrid | Fostano, Katherina | CRN: 14929
COMC-2329-L21 Media Industries | MTh 01:00PM - 04:00PM Hybrid | Hockenberry, Matthew | CRN: 14799
ECON-1100-R21 Principles of Macroeconomics | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | TBA | CRN: 14953
ENGL-1102-L21 Composition II | TWTh 01:00PM - 04:00PM | McEleney, Corey | CRN: 14954
MATH-1206-L21 Calculus I | MTWTH 01:00PM - 04:00PM | TBA | CRN: 15011
NSCI-1030-L21 Human Function and Dysfunction | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | TBA | CRN: 14827
PHIL-1000-L21 Philosophy of Human Nature | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Fior, Lia | CRN: 14960
SOCI-1100-L21 Introduction to Sociology | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Rufrano, Michelle | CRN: 16519
PSYC-3340-L21- Urban Psychology | TWR, 01:00PM - 05:00PM | Takooshian, Harold | CRN: 16502
ANTH-1200-V21 Introduction to Biological Anthropology | MTW 06:00PM - 09:00PM | Johnson, Caley | CRN: 15012
CBBU-1003-V21 Special Topics: Career Exploration | TWTh 06:00PM - 07:15PM | Fallent, Janet | CRN: 16529
ECON-1200-V21 Principles of Microeconomics | TWTh 06:00PM - 09:00PM | James, Duncan | CRN: 15104
HIST-1220-V21 Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Keil, Matthew | CRN: 15803
LATN-3061-V21 Christian Latin | MW 01:00PM - 04:00PM | McGowan, Matthew | CRN: 15015
MATH-1100-V21 Finite Mathematics | TWTh 01:00PM - 04:00PM | TBA | CRN: 15831
MATH-1203-V21 Applied Calculus I | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | TBA | CRN: 15004
MATH-1206-V21 Calculus I | MTWTh 06:00PM - 09:00PM | TBA | CRN: 16365
NSCI-1020-V21 Physical Science: Today's World | TWTh 06:00PM - 09:00PM | Staff, Michael | CRN: 15025
PHYS-1201-V21 Introduction to Astronomy | TBA | TBA | CRN: 15029
SPAN-1001-V21 Introduction to Spanish I | MTWTh 02:00PM - 06:00PM | Lomas-Sampedro, Esther | CRN: 15022
VART-1128-V21 Digital Photography | MTWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Apicella-Hitchcock, Stephan | CRN: 14946
VART-1135-V21 Visual Thinking | TWTh 09:00AM - 12:00PM | Wamsley, Lesley | CRN: 15014
Courses for Summer 2025 are currently being processed. Updates will be made as courses are added. Please check back regularly to see course additions as they become available.