Summer Session Course Load and Special Registration

Course Load

In a five-week session, a student may not enroll in more than two courses. Students in Fordham College at Rose Hill and Fordham College at Lincoln Center will need to receive their class dean's permission to register for more than eight credits over the course of the entire summer. Gabelli students who wish to register for more than 12 credits must seek their class dean's permission.

Visitors who register for six or more credits in a session will be asked to provide proof of immunization in compliance with New York State Public Health Law 2165.

Special Registration

Audits: Permission to audit a course must be obtained from the dean of the Summer Session. Tuition is the same as for a course taken for credit. Graduates of Fordham University should contact the Office of Summer Session at 718-817-4665 regarding special opportunities.

Tutorials: The student should send the completed Tutorial Form to their class dean for initial approval and then to the Dean of the Summer Session, at