Summer Session Withdrawals and Refunds



Dropped classes are not reflected on the student's transcript.

Fordham students should drop classes by the add/drop deadline articulated on the Calendar via the registration links in the student access portal. Students are responsible for verifying their registration activities. If you have a hold on your account and cannot drop yourself, please email us at with your Fordham ID number and the name and number of the course you would like to drop. 

Visiting students must send their request in writing to Along with your request, please include your Fordham ID#, the course from which you wish to withdraw, and the transaction number from when you registered.


Once add/drop has passed, all students should use the withdrawal form available in 

Navigate to the student page of and then scroll to the Student Services section in gray. Select Electronic Forms. You will fill out the Course Withdrawal Form for Summer Session. Once you get to the form, fill in your FIDN and the term. The rest will auto-populate. Remember to select "withdraw" as the requested activity.
Please note that any requests received after the add/drop deadline will be processed as a withdrawal, and a “W” (which does not affect GPA) will appear on the student’s transcript. 

Students who need additional help may contact the Office of Summer Session at 718-817-4665, or by emailing

The effective date for any course change is the date a drop/withdrawal occurs on the student access portal or the date upon which the Summer Session office receives a written form of notification of the course change request.

Any requests received after the first class meeting will be processed as a withdrawal, and a “W” (which does not affect GPA), will appear on the student’s transcript. The last day to withdraw without incurring a “WF” (which counts as a failing grade and does affect the student’s GPA) is also listed on the Calendar.


Refunds are calculated as follows:

For 5-Week Classes
Prior to starting date of class 100%
Prior to second class 95%
Prior to third class 80%
Prior to fourth class 60%
Prior to fifth class 40%
Prior to sixth class 25%
Thereafter 0%

For 10-week Classes
Prior to the first day of the first week: 100%
Prior to the second week of term: 80%
Prior to the third week of term: 40%
Prior to the fourth week of term: 25%
Thereafter: 0%

Prior to the first class meeting: 100%
After first class: 40%
Thereafter: 0%

The refund schedule for hybrid classes is calculated by date and is correlated to the class meeting schedule regularly kept for 3 credit classes (T, W, Th) and 4 credit classes (M,T, W, Th). *The last day date to receive a refund for Session I is June 6 and Session II is July 12.

Non-refundable Fees
Laboratory, special course fees, and maintenance of matriculation after classes begin.

Please understand that dropping a course subsequent to the starting date of a session will automatically result in less than a total refund.

Procedure to Obtain Refunds
The student should confirm refund eligibility with the dean of Summer Session via email to The effective date for any refund is the date you executed and confirmed a drop/withdrawal via the student access portal or the date upon which the Summer Session office received a written request.

Exceptions to the published tuition refund schedule may be appealed in writing to the dean and must be accompanied by supporting documentation that warrants consideration of an exception (for instance, if you never attended the class for which you are registered, please email the instructor to confirm your non-attendance and forward that confirmation to us with your Fordham ID number and the course name). Petitions should be sent within 48 hours of the date from which you would like your refund calculated.

Refunds are made in the following ways: Fordham students will receive a credit on their account. Visiting students who pay by credit card will be refunded by the same credit card. Visiting students who pay by check or wire transfer will receive a check in the student’s name at the application address.

Once the dean confirms eligibility, allow three to four weeks for processing. The student may contact Student Accounts to verify the method of refund. Student Accounts is located in Thebaud Hall on the Rose Hill campus and can be reached at 718-817-3901.

Please also note that students are considered in attendance until they officially withdraw. Forgetting that you registered for a course and/or failing to withdraw are not sufficient grounds for a full tuition refund. It is the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s or the University’s, to initiate and follow proper procedures for withdrawal from a course. Nonattendance in a course may result in a WF grade and a charge for full tuition and fees.