Business Summer Classes
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Make more of your summer in the city: evening courses available so students can work during the day and complete degree requirements at night.
Learn more about non-credit options offered by the Gabelli School of Business.
ACBU-2222-V11-Principles of Financial Accounting
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course covers the basic of financial accounting. Students will learn the accounting cycle and accounting terminology, and they will master the major recognition, measurement and disclosure principles that serve as the foundation for financial accounting. In addition, students are introduced to the basics of analyzing financial statements for decision making.
CRN: 14851
Instructor: Yan, Meng
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ACMI, BUMI
ACBU-2223-R21-Principles of Managerial Accounting
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course covers how to measure and use cost data for internal decision making under uncertainty. Among the topics covered are job costing, process costing, standard costing, activity-based costing, budgeting, balanced scorecard, direct versus indirect cost measures, cost volume profit analysis, and management control systems.
CRN: 14988
Instructor: Huang, Mengjie
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ACMI, BUMI
ACBU-3434-V11-Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course is the first of a two-semester course of intensive study in accounting theory and its applications. Major topics include the conceptual frameworks, special cases of revenue recognition and the accounting standards that pertains to current and noncurrent assets.
CRN: 16527
Instructor: Huang, Mengjie
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ACMI, BUMI
ACBU-3435-V21-Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course is the continuation of ACBU 3434. The course contains rigorous, in-depth coverage of current and noncurrent liabilities, as well as owners' equity. In addition, the course revisits the cash flow statement for additional pertinent topics.
CRN: 16528
Instructor: Fried, Zev
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ACMI, BUMI
CBBU-1001-RP2- The Ground Floor
Summer Session 2, July 7 - 17, 2025
Rose Hill: MTWRF, 09:30AM - 03:30PMThis course is apart of the Summer Leaders Academy for high school students.
This course introduces first-year Gabelli School of Business students to key business concepts and the major business disciplines. It creates an awareness of the interdependency of these business disciplines—an awareness which is key to operating a successful business. Students will begin to develop critical thinking, business writing, and teamwork skills that are essential for success in today’s global business environment. Students will also be introduced to Stakeholder Capitalism and the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, revealing how they align with the Gabelli vision of creating students with mindsets and capabilities that enable business to move society forward.
CRN: 14955
Instructor: Daly, Robert
3 creditsFordham course attributes: SL
CBBU-1001-V21- The Ground Floor
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
TBA-TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course introduces first-year Gabelli School of Business students to key business concepts and the major business disciplines. It creates an awareness of the interdependency of these business disciplines—an awareness which is key to operating a successful business. Students will begin to develop critical thinking, business writing, and teamwork skills that are essential for success in today’s global business environment. Students will also be introduced to Stakeholder Capitalism and the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, revealing how they align with the Gabelli vision of creating students with mindsets and capabilities that enable business to move society forward.
CRN: 16652
Instructor: Manfredonia, James
3 creditsFordham course attributes:
CBBU-1003-V21-ST: Career Exploration
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: MWR, 06:00PM - 07:15PMThe Career Exploration course serves as a starting point for all Gabelli School students to develop critical skills to support career development. It provides an overview of Gabelli School resources, helps students understand and hone their skills, and provides direction on developing a compelling portfolio for their future careers. Students hear from distinguished faculty, guest speakers, and alumni as part of this course.
CRN: 16529
Instructor: Gallent, Janet
1 credits
CBBU-1003-R21-ST: Career Exploration
Summer Session 2, July 8, 10, 15, 17, 2025
Rose Hill: 09:00 a.m.- 01:00 p.m.The Career Exploration course serves as a starting point for all Gabelli School students to develop critical skills to support career development. It provides an overview of Gabelli School resources, helps students understand and hone their skills, and provides direction on developing a compelling portfolio for their future careers. Students hear from distinguished faculty, guest speakers, and alumni as part of this course.
CRN: 16572
Instructor: Cook, Jena
1 credits
CBBU-1006-PW1- ST: Senior Seminar
Summer Session 3, May 27, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: AsynchronousThe Senior Seminar serves as a capstone on the Gabelli School’s curriculum, drawing upon and integrating what students have learned in core, major, and elective courses. Students choose a seminar from an array of possible topics including leadership, service learning, business ethics, consulting for social change, management simulation, and innovation brokering.
CRN: 14928
Instructor: Decker, Megan
1 credits
CMBU-2665-PW1- Business Communication
Summer Session 3, May 27, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: AsynchronousThis course offers a chance to improve basic competency in written and verbal business communication skills. The ability to communicate well is crucial to career success. Corporate cultures, international communications, conversational strategies, timed writing, interviewing, problem solving, business style are discussed.
CRN: 15060
Instructor: D'Agustino, Steven
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BUMI
BLBU-2234-V11- Legal Framework of Business
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course covers the fundamental concepts and legal principles applicable to the American business community and the international environment. Topics include: sources of the modern legal system; legal ethics and governmental regulation; creation and discharge of contractual rights and liabilities; characteristics of agencies, partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations, including the rights and liabilities of agents, partners and corporate management.
CRN: 14900
Instructor: Cappello, Dennis
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BUMI, LPBC
BLBU-3436-V11- Commercial Transactions
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 01:00PM - 04:00PMThis course completes the legal background of the student and considers the commercial issues in the law of sales, bailments, suretyship, negotiable instruments, insurance, creditor's rights and bankruptcy.
CRN: 14898
Instructor: Cappello, Dennis
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BLEA
BLBU-3443-V21- Ethics in Business
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course aims to help students recognize the moral dimension of business decision-making and to provide these students with tools to navigate the potential ethical issues that they are likely to face in the business world.
CRN: 15019
Instructor: Jackson, Kevin
3 creditsFordham course attributes: CBVC, PHIL
FNBU-3221-L21- Financial Management
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMFinancial analysis, planning and control in the business firm. Optimum capital structure and leverage. Working capital management and sources of suitable short-term funds. Long-term investment decisions and capital budgeting. Valuation problems in financing and acquisitions.
CRN: 14940
Instructor: Gu, Christopher
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BUMI
FNBU-3440-L21- Corporate Financial Policy
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PMFrom the standpoint of finance theory, the value created by a corporation depends on the profitability of investments and the mode of financing these investments. This course enables students to analyze and understand the interaction between the investment and financing decisions. Corporate finance topics such as capital budgeting, cost of capital, raising capital, dividend policy, hedging, mergers and acquisitions, and international corporate finance may be covered.
CRN: 14941
Instructor: Ergas, Jean
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BLEB
FNBU-3450-V11- ST: Fintech - An Introduction
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: MTW, 06:00PM - 09:00PMFinTech is a new and emerging field of technology that is disrupting the way that many companies are conducting business. FinTech has already “forever” changed many sectors including mobile payments, social media, money transfers, loans, fundraising, travel, trading and asset management. It has completely revolutionized the way companies are developing products, conducting research, establishing directed sales and marketing plans, and utilizing start-up technology. Businesses are using FinTech to expand their products and services at a fraction of its previous cost. Entrepreneurs are utilizing FinTech as a central foundation for research, funding, and product development. Customers are already utilizing FinTech as part of their daily lives - mobile apps, social media, banking, online shopping, entertainment and gaming. This course will introduce students to the breadth of FinTech, and touch upon the technical underpinnings.
CRN: 14903
Instructor: Mehta, Bijon
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ENT
FNBU-4448-V21- ST: Private Equity
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThe objective of this class is to offer students a strong working knowledge of the private equity industry. We will examine the industry from a number of viewpoints including but not limited to, the structure of the industry, the investors, and the analysis of investments. In addition we will discuss how fund managers add value to the companies they purchase as well as how they exit (sell) the companies through IPO's or other transactions.
CRN: 16526
Instructor: Mazurek, Pawel
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ENT
FNBU-4454-V11- ST: Financial ModelingST: Financial Modeling
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course will introduce the student to the process of designing and building financial models using Microsoft Excel. Examples will be drawn from Finance/Accounting. The student will learn the steps needed to understand a financial problem, design a solution, then implement the solution in the spreadsheet. Lab time will be used to explore features of Excel frequently used in financial models. The class will also discuss how Excel is used to structure, manipulate, debug, and present financial models and their results. The course will prepare the student to use Excel and financial modeling effectively in a business environment.
CRN: 15821
Instructor: Tavel, Bruce
3 creditsFordham course attributes: AAAF
FNBU-4458-V11- Behavioral Finance
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMBehavioral Finance suggests that investors can and often do make investment decisions based less upon rational, elaborate modeling techniques and often on heuristics (short cuts) and biases. Behavioral Finance therefore seeks to understand the psychological roots of decision making in order to explain financial and investment anomalies, investor behavior, and asset prices.
CRN: 14902
Instructor: DiFiore, Mario
3 credits
INSY-2300-R11- Information Systems
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThis course introduces students to the subject of computer-based information systems in business. Upon completion of this course students should be familiar with the basic concepts and current developments in the field of information technology and information systems; appreciate the role of information systems in business organizations; and understand the issues that employing information technology raises. Students also learn to use effectively key software tools (spreadsheets and databases) that improve personal productivity and can contribute to business value.
CRN: 14852
Instructor: Ren, Jie
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BUMI
INSY-3436-PW1- ST: Programming with Python
Summer Session 3, May 27, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: AsynchronousDo you want to be able to solve business problems through programming and coding? This course introduces key concepts, techniques, and tools. Students will learn to program using the widely used Python programming language. For students new to programming, this is the recommended introductory course.
CRN: 15061
Instructor: Deamer, Michael
3 creditsFordham course attributes: ACIS, ENT
LPBU-3223-PW1- Principles of Management
Summer Session 3, May 27, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: AsynchronousIn Principles of Management, you will learn about why good management is critical for successful people, teams, organizations, and societies. This unique course centers all around the concept of excellence, or what the Jesuits term magis. This is the idea that, through self-reflection, we can aspire to always do more and do better for the common good in order to achieve human flourishing in business and society writ large. Although intelligence and technical skills are certainly important for good leadership, being an excellent leader requires more than these skills alone. A significant determinant of leadership effectiveness is understanding how people (including ourselves) work. Therefore, this class is designed to introduce you to the principles of management as both a body of knowledge and a personal practice. You will deepen your knowledge about organizational behavior, and you will learn what you can do personally to improve your own effectiveness as a teammate, employee, and leader. An overarching theme of the course is self-awareness. Throughout the entire course, you will engage in self-reflection, mindfulness practices, and interactive teamwork in order to become an effective change agent in your journey to human excellence.
CRN: 15062
Instructor: D'Agustino, Steven
3 creditsFordham course attributes: BUMI
OPBU-3438-R11-Operations and Production Management
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PMThe operations function within an organization is responsible for managing the process flow that an organization has to use to produce a product, deliver a service, or both. Operations managers are responsible for the design, daily operation, and improvement of these processes. This course provides an introduction to the field of operations management to understand the key decisions and see how these decisions directly impact an organization's competitiveness and market performance.
CRN: 14853
Instructor: Zhang, Dongli
3 credits
MKBU-3435-V21-Consumer Behavior
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMAn interdisciplinary approach to the study of consumer behavior and motivation. Topics include behavioral science findings and their implications in the marketing mix; socioeconomics, demographic and cultural influences; theories of promotion and communication; consumer behavior models; attitude measurement; perception and consumerism.
CRN: 15822
Instructor: Delaney, Aniko
3 creditsFordham course attributes: FASH
MKBU-4454-R21- ST: Sports Marketing
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PMThe entertainment sector is a major industry. Within that sector, sports activities are targeting a number of demographic and other segments of the population. While some sports (collegiate and professional) are quite successful in their marketing strategies, others struggle to gain or to hold their audience within a competitive market place. This course evaluates the marketing mix of those sports teams and institutions that are successful and assesses the marketing ingredients of those sports activities that are struggling to gain a larger or profitable share of the audience.
CRN: 15820
Instructor: Petit, Francis
3 creditsFordham course attributes: SJOR
Classes listed as either Lincoln Center or Rose Hill will meet on-campus only.
Classes listed as "Online" during Session I or II will meet synchronously online during their scheduled meeting times. Students in different time zones should plan accordingly. Session III online courses are asynchronous (exceptions are noted in course descriptions).
Hybrid courses will meet in person on campus at the times indicated; additional online work will also be required.