English Summer Courses
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ENGL-1101-R21- Composition I
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
Instruction in sentence and paragraph construction, reading comprehension skills and analysis, the basic principles of grammar with an emphasis on diagnosing and solving persistent problems, and principles of argumentation and evidence. Weekly assignments and regular grammar exercises to build confidences and competence in college writing.
CRN: 14985
Instructor: Ray, Jason
3 credits
ENGL-1102-L21- Composition II
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 01:00PM - 04:00PM
Intensive training in the principles of effective expository writing, with an emphasis on sound logic, correct grammar, and persuasive rhetoric. Introduces research techniques, including use of the library, conventions and principles of documentation, analysis of sources, and ethics of scholarly research. Weekly papers will be written and discussed.
CRN: 14954
Instructor: Wilson, Kayla
3 credits
ENGL-1102-R11- Composition II
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
Intensive training in the principles of effective expository writing, with an emphasis on sound logic, correct grammar, and persuasive rhetoric. Introduces research techniques, including use of the library, conventions and principles of documentation, analysis of sources, and ethics of scholarly research. Weekly papers will be written and discussed.
CRN: 14849
Instructor: Chaput, Catherine
3 credits
ENGL-1102-R21- Composition II
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
Intensive training in the principles of effective expository writing, with an emphasis on sound logic, correct grammar, and persuasive rhetoric. Introduces research techniques, including use of the library, conventions and principles of documentation, analysis of sources, and ethics of scholarly research. Weekly papers will be written and discussed.
CRN: 14986
Instructor: Cape, Corinna
3 credits
ENGL-2000-L11- Texts and Contexts T&C: Reading Memoir and Autobiography: Me, Myself and I
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 01:00PM - 04:00PM
An introduction to the literary analysis of texts and the cultural and historical contexts within which they are produced and read. Significant class time will be devoted to critical writing and to speaking about literature. Each section of Texts and Contexts will have a focus developed by the individual instructor and expressed in its subtitle. This course fulfills the Core requirements for the second Eloquentia Perfecta seminar.
CRN: 14823
Instructor: Stone, Elizabeth
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: EP2, TC
ENGL-2000-R21- Texts and Contexts T&C: Poetry & the Arts in New York City
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Rose Hill: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
An introduction to the literary analysis of texts and the cultural and historical contexts within which they are produced and read. Significant class time will be devoted to critical writing and to speaking about literature. Each section of Texts and Contexts will have a focus developed by the individual instructor and expressed in its subtitle. This course fulfills the Core requirements for the second Eloquentia Perfecta seminar.
CRN: 15774
Instructor: Heffernan, Daniel
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: EP2, TC
ENGL-2000-V11- Texts and Contexts T&C: Ron en el Piso: LEGACY! LEGACY!
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
An introduction to the literary analysis of texts and the cultural and historical contexts within which they are produced and read. Significant class time will be devoted to critical writing and to speaking about literature. Each section of Texts and Contexts will have a focus developed by the individual instructor and expressed in its subtitle. This course fulfills the Core requirements for the second Eloquentia Perfecta seminar.
CRN: 14889
Instructor: Hurtarte Leon, Maria
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: EP2, TC
ENGL-2000-V12- Texts and Contexts T&C: Laughing and Screaming--Film and Fiction
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
An introduction to the literary analysis of texts and the cultural and historical contexts within which they are produced and read. Significant class time will be devoted to critical writing and to speaking about literature. Each section of Texts and Contexts will have a focus developed by the individual instructor and expressed in its subtitle. This course fulfills the Core requirements for the second Eloquentia Perfecta seminar.
CRN: 14890
Instructor: Gold, Moshe
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: EP2, TC
ENGL-2000-V21- Texts and Contexts T&C: Contemporary BIPOC Writers
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Online: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
An introduction to the literary analysis of texts and the cultural and historical contexts within which they are produced and read. Significant class time will be devoted to critical writing and to speaking about literature. Each section of Texts and Contexts will have a focus developed by the individual instructor and expressed in its subtitle. This course fulfills the Core requirements for the second Eloquentia Perfecta seminar.
CRN: 15017
Instructor: Kim, James
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: EP2, TC
ENGL-3222-V21- Shakespeare and Popular Culture
Summer Session 2, July 01, 2025 - August 05, 2025
Online: MTWR, 01:00PM - 04:00PM
This course focuses on theories of popular culture in tandem with items of popular culture related in some way to Shakespeare's work. We will be reading cultural theory every week. Please keep this double focus in mind: we want to figure out why and how Shakespeare's work is employed, not merely in what manifold ways he appears.
CRN: 16462
Instructor: McEleney, Corey
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: ALC, COLI, ENHD
ENGL-3243-L11- Contemporary Asian Fiction
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Lincoln Center: MTWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
In this course, we will explore literature, cinema, and other contemporary Asian cultural productions and examine the literary forms and politics of contemporary Asian storytellers. We will consider the differences and overlaps in the ways writers have found to explore issues of race, sexuality, memory, citizenship, and belonging. We will investigate how writers surprise readers and how they question and innovate ways of thinking about these issues. Authors may include Akil Kumarasamy, Kevin Jared Hosain, Han Kang, Sanjana Thakur, and Viet Thanh Nguyen.
CRN: 16465
Instructor: Zaman, Amal
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: ALC, ENRJ
ENGL-3422-V11- Toni Morrison and the Measure of Our Lives
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: MTWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
This course focuses on the phenomenal career of one of America’s greatest writers: Toni Morrison (1932–2019). As the recipient of numerous literary prizes (Pulitzer, National Book Award, and Nobel, to name a few), Morrison charted and changed the course of modern African American fiction in the 20th and 21st centuries. Together, we will read from a selection of Morrison’s novels, essays, short stories, and speeches with specific attention to the author’s role in the emergence of a Black women’s literary tradition. We will investigate Morrison’s literary ancestors; explore the political and social implications of her writing; consider the path she forged for future writers and artists; and contend with her complex legacy in light of her recent passing. Students in this course should expect to attend to themes as varied as slavery, freedom, memory, history, migration, sisterhood, orality, and music, among others. Assignments will include several short research papers, a class presentation, and a creative final project.
CRN: 16463
Instructor: Panaram, Sasha
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: AFAM, ALC, ENRJ
ENGL-5213-V11- Studies in Old English LitStudies in Old English Literature
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: MW, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
This course immerses students with a basic knowledge of Old English language and literature in an in-depth study of one of the major Old English codices, its texts, and critical contexts: Vercelli, Junius, Exeter, or the Beowulf (Nowell) Codex.
CRN: 16464
Instructor: O'Donnell, Thomas
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: ENG1, ENHD, MVLA, MVLI, MVSG, MVST
Classes listed as either Lincoln Center or Rose Hill will meet on-campus only.
Classes listed as "Online" during Session I or II will meet synchronously online during their scheduled meeting times. Students in different time zones should plan accordingly. Session III online courses are asynchronous (exceptions are noted in course descriptions).
Hybrid courses will meet in person on campus at the times indicated; additional online work will also be required.