Theatre and Visual Arts Summer Courses
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THEA-1100-L11- Invitation to Theatre
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
This course guides the student on an experiential tour of mounting a theatrical production. The role of the playwright is defined and each student will write a short scene. The function of the director is demonstrated by analyzing multiple stagings of the same text; each student will direct a scene. The actor is a primary element of theatre; each student will act a scene. We will explore the role of the designer who creates the physical world of the play; each student will conceive a design. Interwoven with the production elements will be a survey of theatre history focusing on Greek, Elizabethan, contemporary and global theatre. Students will attend live performances of plays.
CRN: 16557
Instructor: Skeiker, Fadi
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: FACC, FRFA
THEA-1100-PR3- Invitation to Theatre
Summer Session 2, July 21, 2025 - July 31, 2025
Rose Hill: MTWRF, 09:30AM - 03:30PM
This course is a part of the Summer Leaders Academy for high school students.
This course guides the student on an experiential tour of mounting a theatrical production. The role of the playwright is defined and each student will write a short scene. The function of the director is demonstrated by analyzing multiple stagings of the same text; each student will direct a scene. The actor is a primary element of theatre; each student will act a scene. We will explore the role of the designer who creates the physical world of the play; each student will conceive a design. Interwoven with the production elements will be a survey of theatre history focusing on Greek, Elizabethan, contemporary and global theatre. Students will attend live performances of plays.
CRN: 16558
Instructor: Skeiker, Fadi
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: FACC, FRFA
THEA-1100-R31- Invitation to Theatre
Summer Session 3, June 7 & 8 and July 12 and 13
Rose Hill: US, 09:00AM - 05:00PM
This course guides the student on an experiential tour of mounting a theatrical production. The role of the playwright is defined and each student will write a short scene. The function of the director is demonstrated by analyzing multiple stagings of the same text; each student will direct a scene. The actor is a primary element of theatre; each student will act a scene. We will explore the role of the designer who creates the physical world of the play; each student will conceive a design. Interwoven with the production elements will be a survey of theatre history focusing on Greek, Elizabethan, contemporary and global theatre. Students will attend live performances of plays.
CRN: 16559
Instructor: Calderazzo, Diana
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: FACC, FRFA
THEA-2015-L21- Acting for Non-Majors
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Lincoln Center: MTWR, 01:00PM - 04:00PM
Introductory acting technique for non-theatre performance majors. Emphasis on developing and freeing the voice, body, imagination, and emotions. Activities of the course include vocal and body warm-ups, theatre games and exercises, improvisation, and scene work.
CRN: 15073
Instructor: Kimmel, Michael
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: THME
THEA-3066-L11- Musical Theatre Intensive
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Lincoln Center: MTWR, 10:00AM - 04:00PM
A five-week summer intensive that offers a varied schedule of four classes: Musical Theatre workshop, Vocal techniques, Dance for Musical Theatre, and Acting. Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., students will work in the classroom as a company. The early afternoon and evenings will include field trips, guest seminars, and attendance at Broadway, off-Broadway, and off-off Broadway plays and musicals. Find the program application online at
CRN: 14833
Instructor: Boyd, Julie
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: THME
VART-1128-V21- Digital Photography
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: MTWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
This class is an introduction to the fundamentals of digital photography. The objectives are to understand camera usage, demonstrate control of image editing and printing, and develop a personal vision. Instruction methods will comprise technical demonstrations, lectures, critiques, screenings, and field trips.
CRN: 14946
Instructor: Apicella-Hitchcock, Stephan
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: NMAT, NMDD, VAPH, ZLB5
VART-1135-R11- Visual Thinking
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Rose Hill: MTWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PM
A foundation course in visual communication. The course will cover the following topics: visual perception, composition, light and color, drawing perspective, words and images, graphic design, and photography and photo montage.
CRN: 14859
Instructor: Stracquadanio, Vincent
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: COMM, FACC, FRFA, NMAT, NMDD, ZLB3
VART-1135-RP3- Visual Thinking
Summer Session 2, July 21, 2025 - July 31, 2025
Rose Hill: MTWRF, 09:30AM - 03:30PM
This course is a part of the Summer Leaders Academy for high school students.
A foundation course in visual communication. The course will cover the following topics: visual perception, composition, light and color, drawing perspective, words and images, graphic design, and photography and photo montage.
CRN: 15812
Instructor: Stracquadanio, Vincent
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: COMM, FACC, FRFA, NMAT, NMDD, ZLB3
VART-1135-V21- Visual Thinking
Summer Session 2, July 1, 2025 - August 5, 2025
Online: TWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
A foundation course in visual communication. The course will cover the following topics: visual perception, composition, light and color, drawing perspective, words and images, graphic design, and photography and photo montage.
CRN: 15014
Instructor: Wamsley, Lesley
3 credits
Fordham course attributes: COMM, FACC, FRFA, NMAT, NMDD, ZLB3
VART-1150-V11- Drawing I
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: MTWR, 09:00AM - 12:00PM
Work in pencil, ink, charcoal, and other graphic media designed to involve students in various approaches and attitudes toward representation and expression in drawing.
CRN: 14924
Instructor: Wamsley, Lesley
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: VAPD
VART-2750-L11- Magazine and Editorial Design
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Lincoln Center: TWR, 09:00AM - 01:00PM
This class focuses on the basics of magazine and editorial design using the Adobe Creative Suite Indesign program. Through presentations, demonstrations, discussions, and hands-on projects students will learn how to balance creativity and function, as well as format layouts to facilitate production and design. An emphasis will be made on how hierarchy, consistency, and an understanding of typography and design principles will enhance the reader's experience.
CRN: 16560
Instructor: Green, Jessica
4 credits
Fordham course attributes: COMM, NMAT, NMDD
Classes listed as either Lincoln Center or Rose Hill will meet on-campus only.
Classes listed as "Online" during Session I or II will meet synchronously online during their scheduled meeting times. Students in different time zones should plan accordingly. Session III online courses are asynchronous (exceptions are noted in course descriptions).
Hybrid courses will meet in person on campus at the times indicated; additional online work will also be required.