Core Curriculum Checklist
Core Courses Typically Completed During First Year
1-4 courses depending on placement with Modern Language Department; must reach the 2001 level
Note: Bachelor of Science (BS) students are exempt from the language requirement with the exception of those majoring in Psychology.
Languages offered:
- Arabic
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Japanese
- Latin
- Mandarin Chinese
- Russian
- Spanish
(ENGL 1102)
Prerequisite: Depending on fall placement, students may need to complete Composition I (ENGL 1101)1 course with the attribute Math/Computational Reasoning
Examples include:
- Finite Mathematics (MATH 1100)
- Applied Calculus I (MATH 1203)
- Calculus I (MATH 1206) or Mathematical Modeling (MATH 1700)
- Structures of Computer Science (CISC 1100)
- Discrete Structures (CISC 1400) or Computer Science I (CISC 1600)
(PHIL 1000)
(THEO 1000)
1 course with the attribute Eloquentia Perfecta 1
Note: Manresa courses fulfill the Eloquentia Perfecta 1 distributive requirement.
Core Courses Typically Completed First or Sophomore Year
Two courses in sequence.
1 course with the attribute Physical Science Core requirement
Examples include:
- The Chemistry of Art (CHEM 1104)
- Chemistry of the Environment (CHEM 1109)
- Forensic Science (CHEM 1110)
- Intro to Astronomy (PHYS 1201)
- Environmental Physics (PHYS 1203)
- Physics of Everyday Life (PHYS 1206)
- Physics of Light and Color (PHYS 1207)
Prerequisite: Mathematical/Computational Reasoning core requirement
1 course with the attribute Life Science Core requirement
Examples include:
- Intro to Physical Anthropology (ANTH 1200)
- Life on Planet Earth (BISC 1000)
- Human Biology (BISC 1001)
- Ecology: A Human Approach (BISC 1002)
- Foundations of Biology (BISC 1010)
- Biopsychology (PSYC 1100)
Prerequisite: Physical Science core requirement
Note to Science Majors: Instead of one physical science and one life science, students may substitute a year long two-course sequence with labs in biology, chemistry, or physics to satisfy both the life and physical science requirements.
1 course with the attribute Texts & Contexts
Examples include:
- ENGL 2000
- COLI 2000
- CLAS 2000
- MLAL 2000
- MVST 2000
Prerequisite: Composition II (ENGL 1102)
Note: All sections fulfill the Eloquentia Perfecta 2 distributive requirement
1 course with the attribute Understanding Historical Change
Examples include:
- Modern Europe (HIST 1000)
- Early Modern Europe (HIST 1075)
- American History (HIST 1100)
- Ancient Greece (HIST 1210)
- Ancient Rome (HIST 1220)
- Ancient Near East (HIST 1230)
- Medieval History (HIST 1300)
- Latin American History (HIST 1400)
- East Asian History (HIST 1550)
- Middle East History (HIST 1700)
- Islamic History and Culture (HIST 1750)
- Global History (HIST 1800)
- African History, (AFAM 1600)
1 course with the attribute Social Science Core requirement
Examples include:
- Anthropology Focus (ANTH 1050)
- Intro to Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 1100) or Intro to Archaeology (ANTH 1300)
- Intro to Communication and Media Studies (COMM 1010)
- Intro to Media Industries (COMM 1011) or designated 2000-level courses approved for the Social Science core requirement
- Basic Macroeconomics (ECON 1100) or Basic Microeconomics (ECON 1200)
- Intro to Politics (POSC 1100)
- Sociology Focus (SOCI 1050)
- Intro to Sociology (SOCI 1100)
- designated Psychology (PSYC 2000-level) courses approved for the Social Science core requirement.
1 course with the attribute Fine and Performing Arts
Examples include:
- Intro to Art History (ARHI 1100)
- Music Focus (MUSC 1050)
- Intro to Music History (MUSC 1100) or Intro to Opera (MUSC 1101)
- Invitation to Theatre (THEA 1100)
- Urbanism (VART 1101)
Core Courses Typically Completed During Sophomore or Junior Year
(PHIL 3000)
1 course with the attribute Sacred Texts and Traditions
Examples include:
- Intro to Old Testament (THEO 3100)
- The Prophets (THEO 3120)
- Intro to New Testament (THEO 3200)
- The Parables of Jesus , (THEO 3220)
- Life & Letters of Paul (THEO 3230)
- Early Christian Writings (THEO 3310)
- St. Augustine of Hippo (THEO 3314)
- Byzantine Christianity (THEO 3316)
- Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther (THEO 3320)
- Medieval Theology Texts (THEO 3330)
- Reformation Texts (THEO 3360)
- American Religious Texts (THEO 3375)
- Church in Controversy (THEO 3390)
- Catholic Social Teaching (THEO 3542)
- Bible and Social Justice (THEO 3546)
- Christ in World Cultures (THEO 3610)
- Great Christian Hymns (THEO 3620)
- Scriptures of the World (THEO 3700)
- Hindu Lit & Ethics (THEO 3720)
- Classic Buddhist Texts (THEO 3724)
2 courses with attributes Advanced Literature Core/Adv. Social Science/Adv. History
Note: Must choose two different attributes
1 course with the attribute Eloquentia Perfecta 3
Note: Can, but need not, fulfill major or minor requirements.
Core Course that Must be Completed During Junior or Senior Year
1 course with the attribute Interdisciplinary Capstone Core
Note: Can, but need not, fulfill major or minor requirements.
Core Course that Must be Completed During Senior Year
1 course with the attribute Senior Values or Eloquentia Perfecta 4
Note: Fulfills the Eloquentia Perfecta 4 distributive requirement; can, but need not, fulfill major or minor requirements
Distributive Requirements that Must be Completed Prior to Graduation
1 course with the attribute Globalism
1 course with the attribute Pluralism
Requirements for Graduation
Complete 36 courses (or 35 courses for students who complete lecture and labs in Intro Bio I and Gen Chem I in the fall semester of freshman year).
- Earn a minimum of 124 credits
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 (“C” average)
- Complete the Core Curriculum
- Complete a Major