The Transfer Application Process

  • Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business offers distinct programs at each of our two New York City campuses. Students select only one campus (the Gabelli School of Business at Rose Hill or the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center) and a corresponding major on their application. Applications are accepted for both the fall and spring semesters. All Gabelli School of Business students complete a liberal arts core, a business core, a major and concentration, and electives. More information about the curriculum can be found in our course bulletin.

    Applying to the Gabelli School of Business at Rose Hill
    The vast majority of transfer applicants who apply for a business program apply to the Rose Hill campus as multiple majors are offered.

    Admission Requirements
    To be eligible to apply, an applicant must have completed one of the following:

    • High school Pre-calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus (AB or BC), IB Math
      OR College level Algebra, Pre-calculus, Calculus, or Finite Math

    The following college classes are recommended for applicants to the Gabelli School of Business at Rose Hill, but are not required for admission purposes:

    • Basic Macroeconomics
    • Basic Microeconomics
    • Statistics
    • Pre-calculus, Calculus, Finite Math, or College Algebra (one of these math courses is required for admission if the applicant has not completed high school Pre-calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus, or IB Math)

    Applying to the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center
    The Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center offers one major in Global Business. The program welcomes a very small incoming transfer class each semester so availability is typically limited and admission is very selective. There are specific academic requirements that applicants must meet in order to be eligible for this competitive program. Should an applicant not be admitted as a Global Business major, the Committee on Admission may elect to offer the applicant the opportunity to be considered for an alternate college choice. The Gabelli School of Business at Rose Hill offers a secondary concentration in Global Business.

    Admission Requirements
    For applicants that have completed less than one year of full-time college coursework (typically spring semester transfer applicants who are in their first year of college), the following coursework is required to be eligible to apply:

    • High school Pre-calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus (AB or BC), IB Math
      OR College level Algebra, Pre-calculus, Calculus, or Finite Math

    If an applicant with less than one year of full-time college coursework is admitted and enrolls in the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center, the following college courses must be completed prior to the fall semester of the student's sophomore year:

    • College level Basic Macroeconomics (AP credit also accepted with a score of 4 or 5)
    • College level Basic Microeconomics (AP credit also accepted with a score of 4 or 5)
    • College level Statistics (AP credit not accepted)
    • College level Financial Accounting

    For applicants that have completed or are in the process of completing one year or more of full-time college coursework, the following classes are required to be eligible to apply*:

    • High school Pre-calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus (AB or BC), IB Math
      OR College level Algebra, Pre-calculus, Calculus, or Finite Math
    • College level Basic Macroeconomics (AP credit also accepted with a score of 4 or 5)
    • College level Basic Microeconomics (AP credit also accepted with a score of 4 or 5)
    • College level Statistics (AP credit not accepted)
    • College level Financial Accounting

    *If an applicant is missing one or two of these required courses, arrangements might be made with the Assistant Dean for Transfers at the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center to ensure you will complete the needed requirements during the summer before starting at Fordham.

  • Applicants interested in pursuing Dance or Theatre as a major must audition as part of the application process. Please see the Dance and Theatre department websites for details on the audition process.

  • Please refer to our International Transfer website for detailed information.

  • Current Fordham students who wish to transfer colleges within Fordham should speak to the Academic Advising Center to discuss the internal transfer process.

  • Any applicant who graduated from high school or received a high school equivalency diploma, who completed or will complete coursework at a 2 or 4 year regionally accredited college or university at the time of application, and who intends to enroll full-time (15 credit hours per semester) in one of Fordham’s three undergraduate colleges to pursue a bachelors degree qualifies as a transfer applicant. A student must meet all of these criteria to be considered a transfer applicant.

    Any student who earns college credit after completing a secondary school diploma is considered a transfer student, regardless of the number of credits completed. Both matriculated and non-matriculated students who earn credit will be considered a transfer. If you have audited a class or completed non credit coursework, then you may be considered an incoming first year student. Typically, students who complete language intensive classes, who do not earn credit, are considered an incoming first year student.

    Students who begin their studies at a college or university and withdraw prior to earning credit must contact the Office of Admission via email at to confirm their status. In order to be considered as a first year, a student must withdraw prior to the add/drop date at the institution they attended and provide official documentation (college transcript, withdrawal form) indicating the date of their withdrawal. In addition, to be considered a first year, the student must not have had any financial aid disbursed from the federal government while at the college or university that he or she attended.

    The Office of Admission will exercise professional judgment and consider each student’s circumstances to ensure that, regardless of status (first year or transfer), the best interest of the student’s needs are met related to enrollment.

    Who should not apply as a transfer applicant?

    • Non Traditional Students
      • Some applicants apply as traditional undergraduate transfer applicants but should consider applying to Fordham through Fordham’s School of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS). Applicants who are returning to school after more than a year off, who have significant life experience after high school graduation, who work full-time, who have attended several (3 or more) colleges and universities since high school graduation, who have more than 60 credit hours of college coursework completed, or who have served in the military are encouraged to explore the educational options offered by Fordham’s PCS. This encouragement is not to prevent applicants from applying as a traditional transfer student but to ensure they have explored the best possible options academically, financially and socially for their future. Please read the section below on PCS or follow the link for more information on the advantages of enrolling in Fordham’s PCS.
    • HEOP/EOP/CD/SEEK Students
      • A student who is currently in HEOP/EOP/CD/SEEK at his or her current institution may apply as a transfer student to one of Fordham University’s full-time undergraduate colleges by responding to the HEOP question on the Common Application Member Questions for Transfer Students. Please contact the HEOP Office directly for updates on the transfer admission process and space availability.
    • Visiting Students
      • Students seeking short-term, full-time study at Fordham for a fall or spring semester while matriculated at another college or university should apply for visiting student admission.
    • Former Fordham Students
      • A former Fordham student attempting to return to full-time undergraduate study at the university must complete the Undergraduate Readmit Application Form to be submitted to the appropriate college dean’s office. The Form is located in the myFordham portal, within the Student Tab, under My Academic Notifications. If the returning student has taken courses at another university or college in the interim, an official transcript must be submitted to the dean’s office upon reapplication.
    • Post Grad Students or Students Seeking a Second Bachelors Degree
      • Please contact PCS.