Undergraduate English Course Placement

New Fordham undergraduate students take placement evaluations for appropriate course placement in the Fordham curriculum (Math, Foreign Language, etc.). 

New international non-native English speaking students are required to take the Fordham English Language Test (FELT) prior to Orientation and the start of classes at the University. 

FELT testing typically occurs during Global Transition.  You will be sent further information via email if earlier test dates are available.

Based upon FELT results:

  • You will be placed in the most appropriate English course for you at Fordham.  This could be a credit composition course, a credit ESL course or a non-credit ESL course. 
  • In addition, your undergraduate program may be limited to courses which do not require significant written assignments. 

Please note that should it be required, enrollment in the Fordham ESL program may extend the time required to obtain a Bachelor’s degree beyond the standard four years. You will be responsible for the additional costs of studying in the ESL program if this is required.