International FAQs

  • Is Fordham test-optional for international applicants?
    SAT/ACT results are not required to complete an application for undergraduate admission. This test-optional policy is permanent for all first-year and transfer applicants applying from outside the United States and its territories, without regard to citizenship or secondary school curriculum.

    If I have taken the SAT/ACT, may I still choose to submit my results?
    Yes, students who wish to share their standardized test results for consideration by our admission committee in our holistic review may do so.

    If I choose to submit SAT/ACT results, can they be self-reported?
    Yes, students may self-report their results via the Common Application. Admitted students who choose to attend Fordham will be required to send official score reports directly from the testing agency prior to enrollment.

    How do I indicate my intention of applying without standardized test (SAT/ACT) scores?
    Students may select the test-optional admission review via their answers in the Fordham-specific Questions section of their Common Application.

    Is SAT/ACT score submission required for financial aid scholarship consideration?
    Fordham will continue to offer partial financial aid awards and merit scholarships to select international applicants. SAT/ACT score submission is not required for consideration.

    Where can I learn more about admission and testing requirements?
    For more information about admission requirements and admitted student data, please review our How to Apply, Updates for Fall 2024 and Beyond, and Class Profile pages.

    If I choose not to submit SAT/ACT results, are English language proficiency exam scores required?
    The test-optional policy does not extend to English language proficiency testing. All non-native English speaking international applicants to Fordham are required to submit proficiency exam scores. More information can be found below.

  • Who is eligible for international student need-based financial aid?
    New first-year applicants for the fall semester only who will study at Fordham on a non-immigrant visa and who meet the following financial contribution guidelines.

    To qualify, the CSS Profile Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) must demonstrate, at minimum, sufficient funding for all indirect annual costs of attendance: at least $35,000. This includes room and board, textbooks, travel expenses, health insurance, and miscellaneous expenses, along with annual estimated increases in tuition. 

    What is the range of available need-based awards? 
    As available funding for international students is limited, need-based awards do not cover the complete annual cost of attendance. The annual awards may range from a few thousand dollars up to the cost of a student’s first-year full tuition charges.

    What types of need-based awards are available?
    Fordham offers need-based institutional grants. Loans and work-study positions are not offered as part of a financial aid package. View more information about employment opportunities with an F-1 student visa.

    Are merit awards also available?
    All complete applications for admission are automatically considered for merit scholarships. No supplementary materials are required to apply. Merit award notifications are included within the online admission letter.

    How and when do I apply?

    1. Select “Yes” when asked if you are applying for financial aid on the Fordham University Member Questions of the Common Application.
    2. Submit the CSS Profile (school code: 2259) and any supporting documents by the deadlines for your chosen admission plan:
      • Early Action / Early Decision I
        • Admission Application: November 1 
        • CSS Profile: November 1
      • Early Decision II
        • Admission Application: January 3
        • CSS Profile: January 3
      • Regular Decision 
        • Admission Application: January 3
        • CSS Profile: January 15

    In order to complete the process of seeking financial aid, please email your CB FinAid ID to by the CSS Profile deadline. Fall term first-year international need-based financial aid applications without a CSS Profile on file by the above deadlines will be reviewed without consideration for financial aid.

    Can I apply for financial aid after I am offered admission or enrolled at Fordham?
    No - all requests for financial aid must be made at the time of application for admission. Requests after admission or at any time during enrollment at Fordham will not be considered.

    Can financial aid awards be increased in future years?
    Initial awards will not be adjusted for future years of study. All awards are offered at the same amount annually for up to four years provided the student meets minimum GPA and Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Students and families must budget their finances accordingly, expecting estimated annual cost of attendance increases of 3-5%.  

    Is Fordham’s admission review for international students need-blind?
    Fordham is need-sensitive in the international application review. Due to limited available funding, the amount of demonstrated need may impact the final admission decision. 

    How many international students receive financial aid?
    Approximately 7% of international students who applied for financial aid are selected for awards.

    Are CSS Profile fee waivers offered?
    As Fordham does not commit to meeting full demonstrated need and requires a substantial minimum EFC to qualify for aid, CSS Profile fee waivers are not offered. 

    I live abroad but have U.S. citizenship or permanent residency. Am I qualified for these awards?
    Eligible non-citizens and U.S./dual U.S. citizens living abroad who wish to be considered for financial aid will complete the domestic student aid application process

    Are international transfer students eligible to receive financial aid?
    Transfer students are not eligible to apply for need-based aid. Please review more information about available merit scholarships.

    If I become a U.S. citizen or permanent resident during my Fordham enrollment, will my financial aid award be impacted?
    Any international need-based aid recipient who receives U.S. citizenship or a green card during enrollment at Fordham will maintain a Fordham Tuition Award of equal value to their initial award for up to four years total.

  • I am an international student currently in an English language high school.  Do I have to take an English language proficiency exam?
    Yes, Fordham requires TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo English Test results from all non-native English speaking international applicants.  If you do not submit these results, this may impact your admission decision.

    Does Fordham waive the English language proficiency exam requirement if I will graduate from a high school in the USA or if I meet a minimum SAT/ACT score?
    No, Fordham requires TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo English Test results from all non-native English speaking international applicants.  If you do not submit these results, this may impact your admission decision.

    What should I do if I am an international applicant but am not submitting English language proficiency exam results as part of my application to Fordham?
    International students who are not submitting required TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo English Test results must complete the English Language Proficiency Test Waiver Request Form linked within the online applicant portal after an application has been officially submitted.

    Can I still be offered admission to Fordham if I don’t meet the minimum required English language proficiency exam scores?
    Students who do not achieve the minimum score requirements may be eligible for admission to the Via Fordham program.

  • Does Fordham University recognize the International Baccalaureate (IB)?
    Fordham University does recognize the academic challenge of the International Baccalaureate program. Fordham University issues college credit for International Baccalaureate Higher Level exam scores of 5, 6, or 7. Please instruct the International Baccalaureate Organization to send your results directly to the Fordham University Office of Undergraduate Admission.
    Does Fordham University offer credit for international leaving exams/maturity certificates?
    Fordham University will consider some international leaving exams/maturity certificates for college credit, depending on the exam, subjects, and specific results. Please email with specific questions.

  • If I am a United States citizen or permanent resident, but I live abroad, do I apply to Fordham University as an international student? 
    All applicants to Fordham University use the Common Application. There is not a separate application for international students or Americans living abroad.

    If I attend a United States High School, but do not have United States citizenship or permanent residency, how should I apply to Fordham University? 
    All applicants to Fordham University use the Common Application. There is not a separate application for international students. Fordham University will be able to determine your international student status through your answers to the application questions. 

    If I have begun university-level study at another institution, can I choose to apply to Fordham University as a first-year and not transfer any credits?
    No. If you have begun university-level coursework, you will apply to Fordham University as a transfer applicant. This is the case even if you do not think any of your current courses will transfer. A World Education Services (WES) evaluation or your college/university transcript is also required.