
Degree Options: Major, Minor
Locations: Lincoln Center, Rose Hill
Visit the Sociology and Anthropology Department

Hold up a mirror to humanity.

Anasazi settlement - LG
Anthropology majors at Fordham explores humanity in all its amazing variation over a vast time scale. This includes studying some of our earliest ancestors, such as “Lucy,” all the way to contemporary race relations.

Sciences and the humanities team up in anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach is essential to understanding the origins of our species millions of years ago and the development of ancient cultures, but it is equally important for understanding our present living conditions with high levels of inequality and discrimination.

Therefore you will learn about the past of our species but you’ll also put a wide lens on contemporary problems around the globe: how we live and die, make art and start wars.

Anthropology at Fordham offers a global perspective and the opportunity to understand the nuances of human societies. That’s a distinct advantage in our complex world. 

Of course, you’ll learn more than anthropology here. You’ll also study philosophy, theology, economics, mathematics, languages, science, and the performing arts through Fordham’s common core curriculum, the centerpiece of our liberal arts education.

  • The anthropology major includes four sub-fields:

    • Cultural anthropology
    • Archaeology
    • Physical anthropology
    • Linguistic anthropology

    Anthropology’s synthesizing nature makes it a good fit for a double major. 

    Internship opportunities may include:

    • New York State Department of Corrections
    • Legal Aid Society
    • The Puerto Rican Family Institute
    • CBS
    • Merrill Lynch
    • IBM

  • Health, Medicine, and Social Justice
    Anthropology of the Forbidden
    Human Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective
    Ancient Cultures of the Bible
    Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity
    Dead Men Talking: Forensic Investigations of the Human Skeleton
    Cultures of New York City
    Anthropology of Political Violence
    Primate Ecology
    Civilizations of the Ancient World

  • Some anthropology majors pursue advanced degrees:

    • Archaeologists conduct fieldwork at excavations around the world
    • Forensic anthropologists work in crime labs or consult on investigations  
    • Cultural anthropologists use their expertise to learn why people behave and think the way that they do.

    Anthropology is also a powerful asset for a range of careers that demand political awareness, public interaction and global savvy.

Learn More About the Anthropology Degree

Visit the Sociology and Anthropology Department